@Steve 41oo,
i just wanted to put in my own opinion, how about we just shutup and do something about the world for once, organize ourselves to the point we can actually get stuf done. the reason why i reply to steve 41oo is because he or she sounded just like the church during the middle ages saying the world is flat and speaking all high and mighty about the "truth" of god, or the other thousands of people that said the horseless carrage will never catch on. or good old GM and big oil reps saying that "the electric car is not a feisable option for an alternitive vehicle and is not ready for the public" - (they said that to my face at a British Columbia Iinstitue of Technology open house, febuary 2008....poor, poor, poor heartless bastereds.....they have turn into the north korean citizens of the automitive industry saying whatever there boss tells them to say...propaganda.....*sigh*) you know what? i say F&^! off to those afraid of change!(big oil, gm has grown balls recently, i don't know about stevey) and get use to it! stand up against them and might as well start your own car company! Abw! CGC! Boxem cars! what ever!, and sell what ever is good for the environment!.....anyways.....the hydrogen combustion engine + an electrylosis? inside the fuel take + alternator to power batterie (which in turn supports electrolosys?) = water powered car. Period.
ps: we need the cars yesterday, not tomorrow, not today but yesterday.... YES-TER-DAY!....ok? (if you don't build them i will, then i will become the next Mr.ford, with all the money and stuff)....yeah...air cars are cool too....i don't think i will be giving stevey and buds amunition for a comeback....aside from them putting words in my mouth like, "you said 'idon't know', well i have to agree with ya on that one f-tard!" or some spelling errors "ooh ohh! you spelled Electrolosiz wrong!!!! you know nothing!!!" come on, that sounds like something a nerd in 3rd grade would say or him ranting on about how flawed a perfectly working concept is.....btw, what makes anakpawis's idea flawed? the fact of thermodynaics aproving his and mostly everyone elses idea, or is it just you and your friends opinion and (BIG) misunderstandings Mr.Stevey? also remember, a regular cars battery lasts a Very long time with an alternator (5-10 years) think abou it....you got it?....no?.....now??.............still no?.........kenetic energy powering electirc....ah there you go, attaching the motor to the generator right before it hits the axle to provide the most revolutions for the generator or have it on a gear system like a bicycle where the the small gear is generator and big gear is engine and 1 turn on big = 3 turns on small?....good for you!
pps: i wish to apologize if i offended or broken the belif system as to which anyone fallows i iz zorry fo makn dis tang too long.....rallly zory!!!!!!
goodbye as i am just a guest makeing a one time apearance unless someone does not beleive the 'truth'! of ME!....hahahahahaha....happy halloween!!