Sun 25 Jan, 2015 12:05 pm
I was raised in a family with difficult circumstances, so I left home at the age of 17
Until the age of 22 I did what I had to do in order survive, needless at that time my faith in the lord was not strong.
I worked a lot, was very lonely and met all the wrong men.
I am ashamed to admit I've done a lot of sins, I would not blame the men I met because it was my responsibly to protect my body and soul, but I was young and felt abandoned by everyone - my parents, my friends and god as well.
When I turned 22 I met a guy, the best guy I ever met, he showed me the way, showed me how real love should look like, explained to me that a'll I've been through was a test from God, that God is strongest for us in our most difficult moments, today I'm in such different place in my life thanks to him, thanks to Jesus.
Just sometimes it is hard for me to believe that God will forgive me after all my sins, I want to be a good wife and mother and I pray every day God will give me strength to do that
What is it you consider a sin? Many people have to take their life into their own hands and believing that someone imaginary, like God, would tell you how to live your life, is quite child-like.
It is your life, your decisions and whatever you make of it. No one but yourself will guide you and show you where to go.
If you realize this, you'll have already made the first step in the right direction. To be a good wife requires a good husband and together you'll raise your children in a loving manner. End of story! Good luck!
I'm not a Christian, but you've got the whole "he who is without sin ..." etc. bit in Christianity. Maybe think about that, in terms of not only your own life, but also as you consider the people around you.
People make mistakes. People also sometimes have to choose the lesser of two evils. Circumstance have to be understood.
You have someone in your life who certainly sounds kind and understanding of your faults. Don't nitpick your own issues by feeling you're not worth this person's attentions, care, and love.
God forgave you when you asked for forgiveness. You know that.
It is YOU who is not forgiving you.
You were young and foolish when you did things that you would not do today. (Welcome to the club, we all have regrets)
If you can't get past this self-guilt, then seek counseling. Don't use your God as an excuse for not moving past this.
Have a look at the character Manasseh, you will gain an insight into the extent of the forgiveness of the god of the bible.
@Frank Apisa,
Frank my friend, are you asserting that there is no basis for forgiveness set in the first five chapters of the bible?
Don't live your life in fear of the next (if there is one.) If you did wrong, (real wrong as opposed to being sexually active for a bit,) see if you can make amends. If not just put all your love into your family, treat people with respect, don't judge, and be helpful and friendly. That's all any of us could do. In the Bible, one of the thieves crucified next to Jesus is given access to paradise not for repenting, or asking forgiveness, but just for acknowledging he deserved to be up there, unlike Jesus.
Live your life, it might be the only one you get.
The Bible is all over the place in both condemnation and forgiveness.
@Frank Apisa,
Sometimes I forget your interpretation of the Genesis story, then you remind me

Thank you for reminding me.
@Frank Apisa,
Frank Apisa wrote:. . . I am saying that in those passages, the god set Adam and Eve into a situation of temptation...denied them the knowledge of what is right and wrong/good and evil...placed a great tempter along with them...and when they made one move to disobey, the god punished them with incredible severity...and then punished all the rest of humanity as well... .
Well, you know, Frank, the tempter was not a tempter until first he
chose to tempt. And, Since Adam and Eve were created with perfect conscience, they also had a
choice. How's that for a different approach?
Curiouser and curiouser.
“Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.”
― Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland
“My dear, here we must run as fast as we can, just to stay in place. And if you wish to go anywhere you must run twice as fast as that.”
― Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland
@Frank Apisa,
Frank, with all respect, I don't think you're being very helpful to the o.p.
hellenkell wrote:
I was raised in a family with difficult circumstances, so I left home at the age of 17
Until the age of 22 I did what I had to do in order survive, needless at that time my faith in the lord was not strong.
I worked a lot, was very lonely and met all the wrong men.
I am ashamed to admit I've done a lot of sins, I would not blame the men I met because it was my responsibly to protect my body and soul, but I was young and felt abandoned by everyone - my parents, my friends and god as well.
When I turned 22 I met a guy, the best guy I ever met, he showed me the way, showed me how real love should look like, explained to me that a'll I've been through was a test from God, that God is strongest for us in our most difficult moments, today I'm in such different place in my life thanks to him, thanks to Jesus.
Just sometimes it is hard for me to believe that God will forgive me after all my sins, I want to be a good wife and mother and I pray every day God will give me strength to do that
Hi. It's just my opinion, but I think you could lighten your burden tremendously if you consider that we've all done things we regret and are ashamed of. You are far from alone in that. If the Christian god is as forgiving as he's portrayed in the New Testament, you're fine no matter how badly you behaved earlier in life, as long as you recognize it and repent.
This part is not likely to be very helpful: I'm not a Christian or a believer of any sort, but I used to be. When I lost faith, I also lost a tremendous burden of guilt. For me, that was the beginning of a very long journey to mental strength.
@Frank Apisa,
If the God who created Adam and Eve also created in you your empathy and perception of justice, how can you seriously aver that God does not possess those qualities to a greater degree? Moses undoubtedly believed in God's perfection (Deuteronomy 32:4). So how can you contend he did not write Genesis from that point of view?
I can understand someone simply claiming the account to be a total fabrication, but I am totally bemused by those who cannot see its syllogistic correctness even if only as allegory.
It should be obvious that both tempter and tempter sinned by
choice, and that the issues raised by their rebellion are astronomically removed from the simple issue of vegetable selection.