Thu 10 Jun, 2004 10:30 am
Sam and I were talking today about what we would change in our lives, if we had a magic wand. We talked about the ideal home, yard, gardens, etc. We talked about changes we would like in our bodies and age regression, keeping our present knowledge. We talked about changes to our financial and legal situations. However, we wouldn't try to change things in other people.
Using these as basic guidelines, what would you wish for?
Time; time to do all those things worth doing that i presently procrastinate because there are other immediate needs to be met (like eating, sleeping, know).
[but i voted no, because i don't believe in 'magic'; sad eh?]
I would change everyone's hearts, mine included, to be truly selfless and caring about others more than ourselves.
That would take care of every other problem.
Oh no! No changing other people or their lives. This is about
YOU. Sam corrected
me on this before I started this post.. Try again, there must be something.
must believe in magic!
After all, it's what dreams are made of. Without dreams, we'd have none of the modern conveniences we have. We'd be using candle power for our computers. Instead of dial up or DSL, we'd have to relyon smoke signals, which don't carry far in wind or rain. Besides, few understand them now. I'd have to work on building up my fairy wings to travel, since there wouldn't be a vehicle to drive us to town! Carrying Sam wouldn't be bad, but bringing grain back to grind before stoking up the wood oven is a bit of a workout!
I would be 20 with all the knowledge and wisdom I've accumulated, and I would never have married the first three.
20 what? Any changes in finances, body, home, children, relationship?
I would be around 24, (which isn't too long ago,) with my current set of opinions and attitudes and with money to spare so that I would not have to work. I would have got my doctorate early and would have run away from home at sixteen. I would be living in somewhere secluded in Brazil, in a big, but ungaudy house, by the sea, hosting lavish parties but never showing myself to the guests, writing most of the time and being here. I would speak more languages than I do now, and feel as if I've had twelve hours of sleep after having two. I would not get writers' block in July, and my writing would appeal to lots but not millions. I would make sure that my mind and body did not degenerate, and if I could live forever like this, then I would-- never stopping from writing, learning, and making new friends.
Oh wow, fun time. The sky's the limit, right?
I would be a 25 year old hermaphrodite, 6' 4", 190 lbs, no tits, high metabolism, no aches and pains and keep all the experiences, knowledge, etc I have now.
I would hold the pattens on several nifty, "can't do without", gadgets and be collection mucho dinero in royalties. (No financial issues) I would have 24 adjoining sections of prime Northwest Wisconsin land, mostly forested, with a lake on one side and areas of open grass land. There would be a good sized timber-frame house, a horse barn, with horses, kennel space for 30 sled dogs, with at least 16 ,trained, sled dogs, chickens, rabbits and other miscellaneous livestock too, and a couple of guest cabins. Oops, a caretaker's house as well, I'll interview caretakers later. Someone has to look after the animals while Billie and are traveling.
I think I had better stop here, people might assume I spend all of my time thinking about stuff like this.
The only thing I'd change would be to correct a few nagging health problems. (Nothing life-threatening.) Other than that, I'm satisfied.
Interesting question. If you had asked me this when I was in my 20s, I'd have had a very long list. See? I didn't need a magic wand after all. Or...perhaps I already have one. Inside myself. Perhaps we all do.
i'd wish our next-door neighbors (from hell) into the corn field...
I don't think that I would change anything...but then I don't have a magic wand, do I. Who knows how many jerks would disappear if I got my hands on one...
I would change my struggle for courage into fearlessness.
Reminder, this is about wishes for you, not how you would change anyone else or plant them in cornfields.
"Any unexplained technology, isufficiently explained, is indistinguishable from magic."
-Arthur C Clarke. (more or less)
Easy... I'd wish myself into the corner slot formerly occupied by The Far Side. The rest would follow...
If I had a magic wand, there would be a few changes in my life. Instead of 6'2", I'd like to be around 6', around 150-160 pounds, about 25 years old, my knowledge and wisdom gained would stay the same. My eyes wouldn't need the trifocals they do now, I'd have the original 20/10 that I did at that age.
My hair would not be chestnut with silver highlights like now, but would be dark again and a bit thicker. My eyelashes would be longer and more doe-like. I'd have my original teeth and never need to see a dentist. My hearing would be perfect. I'd never feel the pangs of arthritis again. My metabollism would stay the same...high. I'd be with Sam and hermaphrodite as well, but I'd like to keep my breasts , without having to use hormones to maintain them.
The rest would be the same as Sam's posting, except that she forgot the horses...half mustang and half Anglo Arabs, broken to ride, jump and to pull travois and not be gun-shy. Well, a girl can dream, can't she? :wink:
I would want I and my wife to be healthy and productive til the end of our days. After that, feed us to the sharks.
I would change my life long lack of interest in money into slightly more interest in money, without changing my present views in their kaleidoscopic variability wrapped around an accumulated backbone structural sense of self... money wouldn't be most important to me, but I might have opened the Financial pages in the paper once or twice. I wouldn't have repeatedly bought cars as a young person, I would have kept each one for much much longer.
If I didn't live in LA all those years, I might have lived without a car at all. Let's say 'no car' is an option I would think about now, if I was 25 again and circumstances were right. (No speech about making your own world, thanks, my parents were ill back then and I wasn't leaving a city that is near impossible to live in without a car.)
Instead of cars depreciating as I drove them off the lot, I might have opened my mind to buying some little house or some land - but I was completely separated from a concept of having some land to take care of as anything useful to do with my paycheck.
I wouldn't have been so happy to be marital partners with someone whose financial contribution to the partnership was set in the future. I don't mind my idealism, looking back, but I'd temper it with what I know now.
I've always had a lot of dreams of what I could do, and have done some of them. What I would add now to my life choices is a clearer view of time's swift passage earlier. And that would take a bit of a wand wave, since a sense of lengthy days is part of youth.
Oy, I suppose I'd get a permanent fantastic job. Hell, I'd just get a job.
Would you join me in transforming our two renegade pups into two perfectly house trained ones?