Reality is an individual thing. This is something that was drummed into us in my psych classes
and counseling classes. Who has the right to impose their "reality" on anyone else? Unfortunately, many psychologists and psychiatrists try playing God and force their beliefs on others. This is why I quit working for money in that field, it's contrary to accepting another as they are.
The only time I would try to shift another's reality is when they harm others. Themselves? If an adult. I say "Fine, go ahead, just don't make it messy." If a child, try to get them to understand the ramifications of their actions on others, especially those they care for.
There is a saying, "Nuerotics build castles in the skies. Psychotics live in them and psychiatrists (counsellors) collect the rent" Does that make it easier to understand?
BTW The answer to Life, the Universe and Everything is 42, according to "The Hichhiker's Guide to the Universe." Apparently, the rest is all commentary and individual interpretation.
I understand that pleasure.
All three of my kids and two of my grandkids cut their first teeth on my knuckle. I even have a few scars to prove it.