Here you go, Osso... this is the college text I've been enjoying and it's only $1, check abebooks. That '63 is the second edition, mine is the third. I think it will tell you all you need to know.
Quote:Perrine, Laurence
Sound and Sense
New York: Harcourt Brace and World Inc. 1963. Soft Cover. Fair/No Jacket. Bookseller Inventory #003496
Price: US$ 1.00 (Convert Currency)
Bookseller: Spotlight Books/FORkids, inc., Norfolk, VA, U.S.A.
Writing poetry after reading that one book would be akin to this Tassajara class I was looking at. You may remember, I'm headed toward painting (with no training!).
Quote:...Painting with No-Mind
with Svargo Schuller and Katherine Thanas
April 27-30
$200 plus room and board and $30 materials fee
We will use water, color, brush, paper and body senses to arrive at a state of receptivity and clarity beyond everyday mind. Through exercises with painting , and in nature, we will unlearn the familiar and discover a surprising creativity. We will then integrate our experience into everyday life through sitting meditation, posture instruction and dharma talks.
Interesting site, Satt -- But... Deimos doesn't look round! Is it? Are you studying the Mars photos for fun or work? Deimos is like an asteroid that link said. Well, hmmm, here's a poem about a meteorite, but it's from one of my favorite prose authors.
The Meteorite
Among the hills a meteorite
Lies huge; and moss has overgrown,
And wind and rain with touches light
Made soft, the contours of the stone.
Thus easily can Earth digest
A cinder of sidereal fire,
And make her translunary guest
The native of an English shire.
Nor is it strange these wanderers
Find in her lap their fitting place,
For every particle that's hers
Came at the first from outer space.
All that is Earth has once been sky;
Down from the sun of old she came,
Or from some star that travelled by
Too close to his entangling flame.
Hence, if belated drops yet fall
From heaven, on these her plastic power
Still works as once it worked on all
The glad rush of the golden shower.
CS Lewis