Wombat baby's miracle escape

Reply Tue 8 Jun, 2004 04:06 pm
June 08 2004 at 07:33AM

Article link

Sydney - Bald, pink and bright-eyed, Cherry the baby wombat is enjoying a second chance at life outside her more usual environment - her mother's pouch.

She owes her continued existence to the motorist who spotted Cherry's mother dead on the road - a victim of a passing car - and stuck his hand in its pouch to discover the then three-month-old, 220g orphan still very much alive.

The little wombat was taken to Sydney's Taronga Zoo where she has acquired a foster mother, zoo keeper Lana Langdale, who will care for Cherry until she is old enough to be reintroduced into the wild in about six months' time.

Caring motorists are being advised to check the pouches of recently killed wombats for suckling infants - and to seek professional care as soon as possible.

Here's a picture of the little bugger. And one question: Does this type of thing happen a lot out there in Oz?

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Type: Discussion • Score: 1 • Views: 2,784 • Replies: 10
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Reply Tue 8 Jun, 2004 04:33 pm
I'm sure someone somewhere find this story heart-wrenching. But it's a wombat! How did this make the papers?
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Reply Tue 8 Jun, 2004 04:39 pm
Ahhhhh! A face only his mother could love?

It's still life, and what the motorist did is admirable. Not sure many would do the same.... I would be hesitant to reach into a road kills pouch myself.
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Reply Tue 8 Jun, 2004 04:47 pm
Yeah, that thing is ugly.
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Reply Tue 8 Jun, 2004 04:54 pm
Well, Kicky - is it common?

The only dead wombat I ever saw was in a stream - feeding HUMUNGOUS tadpoles - and I so wasn't putting my hnd anywhere near that decayed mess!

Lots of folk rescue wildlife and bring 'em up, though.

One of my friend's ex did it - she always had an orphaned SOMETHING in softly padded pillow cases - to simulate a pouch.

Man - they are cute!

That little wombat will be cuter when it has its fur.

Marsupial young are born when still extremely undeveloped - much earlier than normal mammalian young - and the weeny foetuses crawl up mummy's tummy to the pouch, and latch onto a teat in there - and continue to grow until they reach normal "birth" age - when they may venture out a bit.
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Reply Tue 8 Jun, 2004 04:57 pm

See here how undeveloped the little nubbin is? They don't even really have proper legses when they crawl that looooooooong way to the pouch.


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Mr Stillwater
Reply Tue 8 Jun, 2004 05:23 pm
That's not a wombat!! That's ET's love child!!
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Reply Tue 8 Jun, 2004 05:54 pm
That's a wonderful picture, Dlowan. I wish I had gotten to it first for my "weird animals" thread.

Since you live in Australia, I wonder if you've seen any shingle-back skinks on the highways away from the cities. They're attracted to carrion on the roads that they feed on and suffer a high mortality rate from traffic themselves.

I have posted a picture of one of these lizards on my thread, "More weird animals and animal traits" in the science and math forum.
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Reply Tue 8 Jun, 2004 05:58 pm
Only place I have seen a shingleback is on the label of a fabulous red wine!

We'll be drinking it on the weekend....
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Reply Tue 8 Jun, 2004 06:29 pm
I don't know about Oz but, up here in the North Woods, an area lacking in Marsupial Mammals, babies of road-killed moms usually die. Sometimes the young will stay with their dead mother. Then some good hearted sole will try to catch them. I do not know the success rate. These good samaritans will then either take the baby to a Wildlife Rehab Center, good, or take them home, usually not so good. Babies take a lot of special care, like being licked all over, for good health. Yup, I use an artificial tongue, a warm damp wash cloth.
Home raised wild critters may not be able to be released to the wild. The cute little things do not fear humans any more. This leaves the vulnerable to hunters and domestic pets.
Great job there Down Under. Saving any baby is a good deed.

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Reply Tue 8 Jun, 2004 06:38 pm
I think that little pink wombat 3 month-old is adorable.
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