celery is some kind of an "Amish Aphrodisiac". At each wedding the Amish celebratory meals are led off with a celery side dish, a celery soup, and an entrée with cooked celery along with the beef entrée.
I never got a strait answer as to "WTF celery?" although several have tried. (The Amish are not good at "what ifs" and their attempts at philosophy stop at apologetics ).
So, while the beef dih int bad, nd the cold side dishes are ok, I don't like any kind of celery soup other than a Chinese chicken foot broth with quickly seared celery and sliced scallions as the vegetable.
Celeriac isn't bad if served up as a side dish (sans any of this obsession to crème over everything). Its got a celery taste but a nice texture more like radish or Jerusalem Artichoke. It too serves up well by being flash cooked in a chicken broth nd allowed to sit in the fridge overnight before eating