Well, not to want to heckle c.i. or anything, but giving your thread a title like "I almost put this one into Philosophy and Debate" is a pretty sure-fire way to get me to never even look at it. (I had skipped it, just now, until your link brought me to it after all.)
Why? No indication of what the topic is, whether it will be a copy/paste or a discussion or a question, what he wants to discuss - title says nothing. I skip it. Thaz how it goes ...
Another good way to at least get me to skip your (political) thread: add some simpleton putdown or conspirative allegation to the title. "Why Bush is a Moron". "Why government is hiding plans to create a dictatorship in US". Stuff like that. Mostly from the loony left. (I'm sure there's at least as loony a right, but its not posting here - or that is to say, not in that specific manner.)
Oh, and any title in CAPS, of course. Scroll.
I also wish you could remove a thread from your "your posts" page, if its just there cause once upon a time you posted a single word in there, but you've long lost interest ...
Contrary to what Phoenix posted, I
like arcane stuff, tho, as long as its within my field of interest. Another thread about Bush turning the US into a theocracy? Yawn. A thread on Bolivian elections or ethnic conflict in Xinjiang? Les' take a look.