The way of the Creationists is to mount a position that coups all others BEFORE the other side even makesany claims.
To claim that cloning a mammoth "proves" the existence of a GOD, sounds like a stroke of panic.
The recipe of introducing relict DNA into a fetus being carried by a host (a mamma), is still frought with error and possibilities for disaster (one of which is the loss of the fetus and host in an endangered or threatened species).
However, it will probably be done by some institution in some country dspite what we say or feel.
Im kind of ambivalent about doing it because , in one way, it shows the world the relationship between the genome , its content, and the phenotype of the cloned beast. It will be the closest to Jurassic Park as we may be able to get since the degredation of DNA/RNA and osteocalcin and other bio active chemicals, occurs fairly rapidly after 50K years.
I hear that some of the biochemists are actually looking at very old (EOCENE) fossils where something that looks like nucleotide crystals can be seen in a keratin matrix. Also, many genomes actually retain "fossil DNA" in a turned OFF condition and these SNP positions can be "resurrected " by learning the arrangements nd other DNA positions involved in turning the stuff "ON"