Good morning from a rather chilly radio station here in Florida.
edgar, didn't know either one of your songs by Jose and Red. Just hope you didn't cut your achilles tendon, dear friend.Izz with a y, That was a bit long for me to read, but thanks anyway.
Olivier5, Here is a poem by Jules:
Greenland Song
Dark Is the sky,
The sun sinks wearily;
My trembling heart, with sorrow filled,
Aches drearily !
My sweet child at my songs is smiling still,
While at his tender heart the icicles lie chill.
Child of my dreams I
Thy love doth cheer me;
The cruel biting frost I brave
But to be near thee!
Ah me, Ah me, could these hot tears of mine
But melt the icicles around that heart of thine!
Could we once more
Meet heart to heart,
Thy little hands close clasped in mine,
No more to part.
Then on thy chill heart rays from heaven above
Should fall, and softly melt it with the warmth of love!
You made a joke out of meeting him, and I loved it.
Three songs for the morning here. First, one that my brother-in-law sang all the time and he was in WWII:
Now, a birthday gal, and we all know to whom she was singing this one:
The last concert that I saw here was one by Jethro Tull, and I love his flute: