Latin George, Tell Yee Wan that I did that as a joke.
Izz with a y, we always appreciate your historical information. Odd,dear friend, because today is Henry VIII's birthday.
two songs for the SUN day here.
First, a secular one as a tribute to Pat Morita whose birthday is today:
Anyone remember the TV show Happy Days:
Now, our hymn, but first some information:
Thomas Moore (1779-1852), a friend of the famous poets Lord George Gordon Byron and Percy Bysshe Shelley, was an Irish Catholic known much more for sentimental romantic ballads of his day, including “The Last Rose of Summer” (1805), “Believe Me, If All Those Endearing Young Charms” (1808), and the patriotic song, “The Minstrel Boy,” written for those who suffered and died in the Irish Rebellion of 1798.