Funny, Mark. I used to think that song by Patti was about someone throwing Mamma from the train.
Well, today is this royal lady's birthday: Full name
Grand Duchess Anastasia Nikolaevna:
My favorite by Pat Boone:
Pat has a great voice, letty.
Elvis (two would be Elvi)
As you know, Mark, I didn't use to like Pat until I heard him sing that one.
I'll be Home Again by "the king" I didn't know so thanks for the introduction.
Here is one of his last and sad songs:
Just a personal memory, y'all, when my late husband and I were in New York
we went to Ellis Island to see The Statue of Liberty, and he climbed up those horrible stairs and fell. I had to find someone to help us. I was just a kid, but it finally worked, and an ambulance was called and got him out. <sigh>
Here's Andrea doing a cover of my favorite
Elvis song, y'all:
It was taken from a poem by Alexander Pope
Well, it's Thor's Day, y'all, but no hammering thank the good lord.
Hey, Texas, here's a birthday man, but first some info:
Blake Tollison Shelton
Born June 18, 1976 (age 38)
Ada, Oklahoma, United States
Origin Nashville, Tennessee
Genres Country
He is truly a great country singer:
Don't have a particular reason, but I've never warmed up to Blake.
I am a fan of most of Elvis's songs.
Here is one I haven't heard in a few years.
Wow! I loved that country singer, Mark. Never hear him before.
Don't know Dell Vikings Come Go With Me. Thanks for the introduction, however.
More Vikings:
Bet you know Kirk!
Well, everyone knows it's Thor's day, so since my back is a bit sore, I'll say good afternoon with John Henry. (inspired by Region's spoonerism.
We drove through the Big Bend Tunnel and saw a statue of John Henry.
Great having England with us, and Texas, of course.
From Letty with love to the world
I've had that recording of John Henry since I was very young, letty.
Here is Leonard Cohen
Love Calls You by Your Name
Spoof letters about the Jubilee.
Quote:Sir,—If it is not too late, I must utter a protest against the route
chosen for the Jubilee Procession which seems calculated merely to
satisfy the classes in the Clubs. I would propose that the route
should be as follows:—From Buckingham Palace down the Bucking-
ham Palace Road, Sloane Square, King's Road, Walham Green,
Fulham Palace Road, Hammersmith Broadway, and thence into the
Lavender Terrace, Chiswick, in which I have a window and which
ends in a cul de sac. The procession might then get to the Abbey by
Kensington, Knightsbridge, &c,—but that is a matter of detail.
Hurry back, edgar. Didn't know Love Calls You by Your name by Leonard. (didn't like the hate part, however)
You hurry back as well, pullman. Loved that version of a dead end road, and it reminded me of:
Lavender Blue dilly, dilly,
Lavender Green.
If you were king dilly, dilly
I'd be you queen,
Who told me so dilly, dilly
I told me so.
Three songs for this morning. First, Bach:
Now, Celtic Woman. (miss our Irish friends)
Now, S & G
Well, it looks as though I'm Once, Twice, Three times a Letty again.
That no longer bothers me, however.
A song from a fantastic vocalist now, but first some info:
Daniel Grayling "Dan" Fogelberg was an American musician, songwriter, composer, and multi-instrumentalist whose music was inspired by sources as diverse as folk, pop, rock, classical, jazz, and bluegrass.
Now, tomorrow is this great performer's birthday:
Ah, Lionel, you remembered:
Here he is with Diana:
Good morning. MY computer is running too slowly to listen to all the music. I did listen to a few, such as Simon and Garfunkle.
Old Man
Love that one by Neil Young, Mark. Remember South Pacific?
As I told Gautam once: We're not getting older; we just getting better. Miss you Prince.
Here is Springtime:
and, y'all, our poem for today:
Poem by John Keats
Bright star, would I were stedfast as thou art--
Not in lone splendour hung aloft the night
And watching, with eternal lids apart,
Like nature's patient, sleepless Eremite,
The moving waters at their priestlike task
Of pure ablution round earth's human shores,
Or gazing on the new soft-fallen mask
Of snow upon the mountains and the moors--
No--yet still stedfast, still unchangeable,
Pillow'd upon my fair love's ripening breast,
To feel for ever its soft fall and swell,
Awake for ever in a sweet unrest,
Still, still to hear her tender-taken breath,
And so live ever--or else swoon to death.
The words Bright Star make me think of a song by Bonnie Guitar
You sent me searching, Mark:
Bonnie Guitar is an American Country-Pop Singer. She is best remembered for her 1957 country-pop crossover hit "Dark Moon."
Fantastic, and thanks for the introduction.
Here's Count and crew singing about the moon:
Thanks to the count, we can now follow this song
Thanks for your comment on The Count, Mark.
All Together now by the Fab Four was really, REALLY good.
Emmy Lou doing Ballad of the Runaway Horses keep my attention all the way through. I loved them when I was a kid. Had no idea that Leonard Cohen did that one.
Saying good afternoon now because it is really hot here.
First Vincent:
I still wonder if he took his own life.
Now, The Sound of Silence. (love that methphor)
From Letty with love to theworld