@One Eyed Mind,
What is sad is what you are calling genius is ruining your life. I sincerely hope that you can get help with this problem.
I could try to show you why these delusions are real. Titanium is an element (not a molecule). The number diagram you posted relates to the Collatz conjecture. The molecule you posted is a form of Diacetylferrocene. But that doesn't matter.
What matters is that your thought process is clearly hurting you. It is isolating you from people here. From a couple of posts you made it clear it is hurting you in real life and isolating you from people who care about you..
It is taking away the important parts of life from you.
I sincerely apologize for how I treated you when you started posting here. I acted inhumanely. I hope other people will treat you better.
I also hope that you can get the help you need to have a meaningful life.