ok dude thx n thx 4 the welcome too
its great to be here

must have just heard vicious rumours here in the uk about the american tv

but surely wouldnt it be better if they showed the pictures

cos they report homicide after homicde anyway

...suppose its better to leave it to the kids imagination so they can experiment for themselves to find out what it looks like

i thought if they showed the pics it would horrify the kids not to do it

i heard recently in the good ol us of a that some wonderful person had chopped off several kids heads

(probably cos they watched too much tv)
bet they didnt show that on the news huh
ahh its a lovely world we live in
anyway just so this is an on topic post i think michael moores a great guy

long live freedom of speech

and i am looking forward to seeing the movie
ps i couldnt find any reference on the michael moore website to opening times in the uk

seems you americans just dont care about the rest of the world