Thanks, nimh, I really appreciate what you said. By the way, I'm a "she"

And do we really disagree on most things?
Funny how I predicted that they wouldn't accept my research, and they didn't. Even if documentaries or other books and articles support my personal theories, I still do a little of my own research before I openly support its premise. I never support something blindly. I guess I do a lot of research already, and don't like backtracking... but I ot on a roll earlier.
Here's some more, anyway...,1284,56524,00.html
Heston Interview
From the WS Journal
Transscript from CNN
Article about NRA cancelling their meeting:
London Times Article:
on fake statistics:
Germany: Bowling says 381: 1995 figures put homicides at 1,476, about four times what Bowling claims, and gun homicides at 168, about half what it claims: it's either far too high or far too low. ( JЖrg Altmeppen has emailed me a link to a German site putting the figure at Moore's 381, in 1998 -- I have to depend upon his translation here, as German is one of the languages in which I can only curse.).
Australia: Bowling says 65. This is very close, albeit picking the year to get the data desired. Between 1980-1995, firearm homicides varied from 64-123, although never exactly 65. In 2000, it was 64, which was proudly proclaimed as the lowest number in the country's history.[email protected]/b06660592430724fca2568b5007b8619/9c85bd1298c075eaca2568a900139342%21OpenDocument
US: Bowling says 11,127. FBI figures put it a lot lower. They report gun homicides were 8,719 in 2001, 8,661 in 2000, 8,480 in 1999. (2001 UCR, p. 23). Here's the table:
MORE MOORE faking it: