@Walter Hinteler,
It is rather logical that migrants worker over a decade contribute more in tax than they claim in benefits. Migrant workers are usually young and healthy and finished their education.
A "native"person got child benefits until 18? then benefits to study, money for sickleave, for being unable to work, when retire the list is long.
It is a pro migrant statistic. One should compare a migrant worker and a "native " worker with the same job and living conditions.
I would guess that as a rule the migrant worker is better educated than the average "native"worker. But how about the migrant worker and the average worker in his own country?
Does this statistic work the other way too? A British migrant worker is better educated than the average native worker ?
I think it does. It is not the education but often the personality which makes a person seek a future in another country -they are probably more open for new ideas, have to learn a new language, new rules about how to behave, what to eat etc etc.