Whether you love me or love to hate me, you can't deny that I'm one of the most entertaining members here on able to know. Are some of my comments trollish in nature? Of course they are, but trolling is an inescapable part of the internet. Not to mention that, but if I didn't do what I do so well, I wouldn't be nearly as entertaining, now would I?
But the thing is that A2K is Orwellian in nature. The people who run it are extreme leftists/cultural Marxists/communists, who don't give a good God damn about free speech. What they care about is thought policing.
They would rather censor dissenting opinions. And that's because having an open discourse and a free market of ideas scares the **** out of these people.
And that's why A2K is a joke. And as it's a joke, I cannot take it seriously. A2K has been around longer than facebook, and yet has less than 300,000 users. Could this have anything to do with moderators such as Jespah acting in
completely unprofessional manners such as to suspend users for merely posting unpopular opinions under the guise of it being "inappropriate"?
And why is that? Well, it's because A2K is focused of pushing a narrative/dictate that users MUST follow. If they don't, or if they have a sense of trollish humor as I sometimes do, then they are censored.
Cultural Marxism is alive and well in the year 2015. Freedom of speech be damned.
See, the thing is that in the
real world, adults (those being the opposite of overgrown
babies) realize that on the internet you're going to naturally encounter opinions that differ from your own. Not only that, but you're likely to encounter some trolling and jokes at your expense. And what do most (intellectually honest) grown ups do when confronted with this? They take it stride.
But not here on A2K, oh no. Here, moderators wet their pants, and have a crying hissy fit, banning the dissenting (i.e. "inappropriate") voices. ...Puritans.
And that's why A2K is a joke, and why it always will be if it continues on this course. The people who run this place refuse to acknowledge that people who disagree with them politically have a right to do so. They refuse to recognize that part of what has made other internet message boards FAR more successful than A2K, is that differing opinions, freedom of speech, and a sense of humor are not only accepted in those places, but celebrated!
Go ahead and ban me Jespah. People here including those that oppose me are going to miss me. And that's because I'm raw. That's because I'm entertaining. That's because I speak the truth. That's because they need a "villain" to point their fingers at to feel a sense of (delusional) moral superiority.
Go ahead jespah, ban me. You're only proving me right. You're only strengthening my legacy here. You're only proving that people like you are nothing more than a fart in the wind of history.