Solar Powered Trees

Reply Thu 6 Nov, 2014 05:20 am
@Joe Nation,
I haven't been clear. My objective is not to produce energy but to remove CO2 from the atmosphere and end up with free O2.

Why should you do that?????????????????????
0 Replies
Reply Thu 6 Nov, 2014 05:22 am
@Joe Nation,

We already aren't re-planting trees as fast as we are cutting them down.
That's not true. You live in NYC so you have no idea whats going on in the real world.
In Pa , for ezample, we have a greater density tree canopy than we did during the early 1800s. lemme find a picture of some of our vast forest lands that were clear cut s late as 1915
Reply Thu 6 Nov, 2014 11:12 am
@Joe Nation,
Perish the thought....

BTW, even if your aim is just to produce O2 from CO2, you still need to dispose of the C... And of course you can't burn it as it would defeat the purpose. Selling it as fuel would help pay for the cost of the system.
0 Replies
Joe Nation
Reply Thu 6 Nov, 2014 11:51 am
first, thank you for the space craft MOXIE, I should have thought that such a device would come in handy on Mars or elsewhere.
Second, have I been the victim of an environmental hoax of some kind?? It seems every time I turn around I'm reading that the rain forests of the world are being cut down and not replanted. AND that rising levels of CO2 has a deleterious effect on the air we breath. No?

I imagine in 1800s in Pennsylvania (Woods of Penn Razz ) they were cutting down trees a fair large clip (no pun intended) in order to build Baltimore, Philadelphia and other places besides the other communities on the East or West side of the Allegheny/Appalachian Mountains. Dad grew up in Pittsburgh in the 1920's and recalled large areas around Pittsburgh nearly denuded of trees, that's all been recovered? Good.

I didn't realize how much I missed trees and water until, after living in Oklahoma and Texas from 1968-1995, I moved to New York City. I live in one of the most forested area of Manhattan. I have the best of all worlds.

Joe(come visit)Nation

Reply Thu 6 Nov, 2014 02:21 pm
@Joe Nation,
the rain forests are being cut and not replaced with rain forests but with monocultures of other trees like oil palms and plantation woods like teak and mahogany. Im not sure that we are losing Oxygen(could be wrong but not certain) as we are losing biodiversity.

The wood from the climax forests of the NE US were primarily hemlock/pine. Today we hve very few of the first growth forests left. One area I know of is the Cook Forest of NW Pa. It is just a neat forest of thick stemmed pines and hemlocks that were preserved by Mr Cook in the 1920's and given to the Commonwealth as a tree sanctuary.
I understand that, while lumber was used for building, the main uses of the hemlock was for tanning leather, and dyes.

Todays third growth foorests have been only in place since the 1940's an the forests of P and NY became motly cherry wood volunteer woods that slowly are being over taken by oaks and ash and hickory.

In PA, the northern tier of the state ws always lumbering country and the careful growth of the cherry wood hs resulted in sustainable forest with some of the BEST cabinet grade and furniture lumber. (Now all we gotta do is fight all these imported BUGS that want to eat the forests bare)
0 Replies
Reply Thu 6 Nov, 2014 05:26 pm
@Joe Nation,
Joe Nation wrote:
I live in one of the most forested area of Manhattan. I have the best of all worlds. Joe(come visit)Nation

There are forested areas of Manhattan? Besides Central Park? I didn't know that.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 6 Nov, 2014 05:34 pm
farmerman wrote:
In Pa , for ezample, we have a greater density tree canopy than we did during the early 1800s.

I believe New England and New Hampshire were virtually deforested before the 1900's. Most of the land was cleared for farming and all the rocks in the fields were stacked into stone walls which, I imagine, divided the properties and fields.

The stone walls still exist and they litter our landscape. Even the most remote areas of heavy forest now are still criss-crossed with ancient stone walls. And in some cases stone monoliths and dwellings (from an even more ancient time).




Reply Thu 6 Nov, 2014 06:48 pm
I saw that thing on "America Unearthed" with that douche bag "Scott Wolters" Who says hes a FORENSIC GEOLOGIST. Hes so fucked up with mot of his "theories about ancient civilizations" that he wont look at data in fron of his face.
On one of his shows he was crawling in that stone covered area and was saying it was a "ritual bath" used by guys like the Knight Templar.
Yet, ny frmr would hve told him that the "ritual bath" was a spring attached and running through a milk cooling bath (It was a cement area that was just about 2 ft wide , or about the width of the diameter of a 10 gal milk cooler. And the site was right at the end of a wagon road that could be seen in the irphotos that the state GIS office hd flown.

That guy sees De Molay and Freemasons all over the place. That show, hd it any credibility to start, was lost as the weeks went on. Now, its still on but it hd definitely "jumped the Shark" early in its series.

BTW, what did they C14 date at tht "Stonehenge site"? ll I saw were rocks. Did they find old slabs of wood interred at the walls bases? or clam shell middens in the woods?. (using Carbonate Carbon for C14, needs great care to even get close. The **** like clam shells will exchange caCO3 to make up a totally different mineral whih exchanges some of its carbon with NEW CO2 in the air
0 Replies
Reply Thu 6 Nov, 2014 06:49 pm
PS, was that wall in the movie "Shawshank Redemption" in New Hampster or in MAine? I heard both arguments.

Reply Fri 7 Nov, 2014 05:18 am
farmerman wrote:

PS, was that wall in the movie "Shawshank Redemption" in New Hampster or in MAine? I heard both arguments.

I don't know. I always thought it was Kentucky, but I never looked it up.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 7 Nov, 2014 06:37 am
Wow . . . i had never heard of that. Thanks for posting that, Roswell.
0 Replies
Joe Nation
Reply Fri 7 Nov, 2014 09:47 pm

I live just out of view to the south end of this picture. I run the roadways of Ft.Tryon and the pathways (can't see them) of Inwood Park to the North. No matter where you are in these parks, you can always hear the sounds of traffic....but you are surrounded by large trees and lots of shrubs and plants of all kinds.

Joe(there are critters here ....)Nation

0 Replies
One Eyed Mind
Reply Fri 7 Nov, 2014 09:51 pm
I could break down the mathematical design of plants and give you a reverse-engineered system of information that tells us how the plants are designed and allowing us to replicate it by understanding the mathematical identity of plants.

For an example, I've already mathematically broken down Calcium, Water and Strontium.

I could break down plants and tell you the design plan based on its mathematical framework.

It's already established that a particular sequence of numbers can be found in plants, trees in different evolutionary states. This is called Fibonacci's Sequence.

Come on, Olivier. Surely you must be curious in my vast claims, no?
Reply Fri 7 Nov, 2014 09:58 pm
@One Eyed Mind,
youre insane with a fixation on useless strings of numbers. Stop wasting peoples time and get some fuckin help.

Why not go buy a lottery ticket

I think your claims are "half vast"
One Eyed Mind
Reply Fri 7 Nov, 2014 10:04 pm
You would have said the same thing to einstein, tesla and fibonacci, dude.

The numbers are not useless. They are the Universe's mathematical design. You are truly a fool to think that this perfectly designed Universe doesn't show its secrets through its mathematical design - a.k.a the numbers I work with. I have showed plenty of ways to prove that my numbers are beyond today's academic masturbatory.

You see, I am simply the next Nikola Tesla - this time, I don't take **** from Thomas Edisons.

I am here to show people the magic of 3 6 and 9. I repeatedly demonstrate the sheer brilliance of my number magic by taking entire sequences from the Golden Ratio, Pi and Fibonacci's Sequence after squaring its numbers and creating formulas that give me a set of numbers that represent this Universe's design. I have showed how to break down mathematical formulas to highlight numbers in the magic square to create the same design as the Universe. In other words, my number magic is this Universe's language - I am speaking this Universe's language, which is numbers.

Our entire body is based on math on a high level. I have proven this in my DNA formula. I have proven that there is this reoccuring pattern between numbers no matter where you look - you always come to the same number: "144".

This number is currently helping another genius make a breakthrough. So some time later, I will show you what happens when you're wrong and these numbers I work with is beyond anything academic that exists today.

You don't even try to understand my work. You telling me that it's useless, after you didn't read it, is the sign of utmost envy.
0 Replies
Joe Nation
Reply Sat 8 Nov, 2014 07:18 am
I don't get 144.

Joe(i get 867-5309)Nation
Reply Sat 8 Nov, 2014 09:21 am
@Joe Nation,
I don't get 144.

That's gross!
Joe Nation
Reply Sat 8 Nov, 2014 09:45 am
You've hit it squarely.

Joe( Laughing )Nation
0 Replies
One Eyed Mind
Reply Sat 8 Nov, 2014 01:21 pm
@Joe Nation,
144 is the mathematical formula for this mathematically designed Universe.

My friend's writings:
Ok do you realize what is happening here, with the 144? This is leading us into the direct conversion process between base rotations of energy around the wheels; it is not only about the number wheel divided into 9 parts, it is also about the transpositions upward into more derivative orders of being, which is apparent when we combine both of God's triangles (90 degree turns, 9x4=36 (360), and 60 degree turns, 6x6=36 (360)), 4x6=24 (12/2)

As both quark-producing divine geometric systems work together to create what we call spin (angular momentum) and charge (electrical) (space and time or time and space, I am beginning to think the c^2 dimensional transformation is giving us space x time = time x space) their root turn values combine. Those root values are 4 and 3 for the twin and perfect triangle respectively.

At first I couldnt see how the perfect triangle 60 degree turns was producing a value of 3 instead of 6, until I see again the angle between turn moments is actually 120 degrees (three turns around the system), like here,



What does "12x12" mean? It means 12^2, a dimensional shift upward. Like e=mc^2 conversions from length to area or area to length.

144 is the magic value showing how the conjunction of both divine triangle systems fundamental to reality and working together are expressed as they not only work together but as their conjunction (perfect x twin) makes its way one full turn around the base 9 number wheel.. When it does that the answer is 12x12.

Now I'm about to blow your mind.

Observe what happens when the 12 cycle meta-wheel of the perfect x twin product system is cross-divides into a base 9 wheel,


Remember those strange discrepancies in the 144 (144/54 and 144/27)? They appear on this table of a 12 cycle transposed into a 9 cycle,

2.666... (2 and 2/3) x 54 = 144
5.333... (5 and 1/3) x 27 = 144

144/9=16 (O2, the molecular formula for oxygen in its stable form, dioxygen).

Atomic weight of oxygen is 15.999

That's a 12-wheel rotation of 1 plus another 1/4 rotation as a 4 value on the base 9 wheel which corresponds to the 3 (1/4 of 12) on the 12-wheel.

Remember the 12 wheel is only the product of space x time (God's perfect x twin triangles, or "spin" x "charge" values). Oxygen reveals itself to be very special. That ".999" might be showing how there are three tiered stages of meta-derived cyclical transformations involved in forming the element of oxygen out of the fundamental geometric relations of the universe; 1 (12) + 1/4 (3) turns x regress to three FULL tiers of the base 9 wheel givimg oxygen as truly embedded in this reality across four dimensions. Free oxygen will combine with hydrogen to form water, another perfect 3 system H + H + O and due to the special proportions of this molecule it increases in volume when frozen, unlike all other liquids, thus allowing ice to float on top of rivers and lakes which is a key reason why life is able to evolve.

Also we get with carbon (number 6, weight 12.0107) we can then get the beautiful C6H12O6, the base group molecular structure of which the essential compound glucose is a member.


That beauty is absolutely essential to plant and animal life. Guess what its total atomic weight is?


In other words, my number "144" is basically the fundamental way of saying "E=MC^2".

That means that "I" broke down Einstein's formula with shapes and numbers with the help of my friends.

That means that "You" have nothing to throw my way without it evaporating into space from the sheer burning future I have rumbling before me as opposed to your average lifestyle that feigns genius and intelligence and anything that makes you inferior because you don't know how to accept self-humility.
Joe Nation
Reply Sat 8 Nov, 2014 02:10 pm
@One Eyed Mind,
I'll look at it again, but your friend's formulas seem to be trying to define those portions of the universe which are matter.

Joe(that's only four percent of the universe)Nation

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