I use solar just to charge and operate my small stuff like lights,heater, pumps etc. I dont have enough solar power to run the microwave or AC or TV. Heres a calculator to do what rog said (calculate your needs then decide what amount of solar power you need. (Include surges and watts neede to run your gas heater through the night when the sun isnt providing recharge to the batteries)
http://www.outsidesupply.com/how-to-calculate-wattage-for-power-inverters.aspx The outside supply guys (their website is outside supply dot com) have a whole list of inverters for you. I dont think I would have bought one till I figured out what I was gonna need as a draw cause all inverters have a different capability and you want one that you can use tied down to a "camp grounds" power
Do you have an AC/DC fridge?
Heating system with a blower?
electric sockets for 110? or (whatever you canajuns work on)
I dont remember that you had an AC on top(I think you were un conditioneed) You really dont need an AC but you DO need a heater.
I would also look to my appliances you want to take and figure out what the least number of them ALL that need to run at once.
Go start with the power need calculator I didnt do the solar hookup myself because the units we had came with a computerized selector that managed the input power and charged up the stuff including batteries (I use 4 12v's) two series each hooked up into a parallel circuit of 24 volts (All our stuff is 24v) except for microwave, AC, one water heater (the other is gas), 120 outlets, laundry and TV stereo. Lights , fridge, room heater and blowers, slide-out motors, Sat dish, and computers are all within the 24 volt need.
Remember that even the little power computer has a draw.
12gagae romex is about the wire Id use, but I wouldnt do it myself either (safety and someone to sue in case it flames up)