Tue 21 Oct, 2014 03:44 am
What is Cradle Cap? Is it curable?
It is harmless - my child had it as a baby. It is basically patches of skin on a baby's scalp. It usually goes away on its own. In the mean time just wash the baby's hair/scalp with a very mild baby shampoo which should help. If it gets worse the doctor can get you a medicated shampoo - but it is unlikely you would need it.
One of those no big deal things that just often times happens with babies. I am surprised your baby's doctor didn't tell you this.
I seem to remember a little baby oil working well.
I think I might have done that as well - makes sense though as it is kinda like dry skin.
We shed skin all the time, it's more noticeable on the scalp, but particularly on babies because their skull is still growing. In later life it's called dandruff.
My daughter had it really badly, olive oil softened it, but I still ended up picking it off with a fingernail.
In short, it's nothing to worry about, there are treatments available, and it tends to go once the skull stops growing.