My thoughts on this world. I really have no title to place them into.

Sun 7 Sep, 2014 07:41 pm
Why do people say "I don't care"? When we do not care, we say nothing - we react to nothing. When we say "I don't care", we're telling ourselves that we don't care, because we do care somewhere. I often have people tell me they do not care what I have to say, but they linger over me like gnats and mosquitoes, bugging me, instead of moving on to support their claim that they, in fact, "do not care".

If there was only one human being in this world, what then would "living" be? What then would become of the "ego"? The one person living could not relate to anything, except the world, but for what reason? People that find themselves alone and away from other people create psychological friends. They talk to inanimate objects or themselves.

Things happen in the Universe when relation points are not met; deformations in the design complex, so to speak. Abstractions and abnormalities form in this Universe when relation points are superseded. This Universe consists of very tiny relation points scattered across the entire Universe likened to the pattern of pores on our skin. The reason why they are not all active at once, is the same reason the Universe needs contrasts to keep "life" interesting; the same reason every pore on our body does not become a pimple, or black holes appear everywhere, or an artist has to use their space wisely whilst drawing a picture in order to maintain a proper dimension.

The Universe does not want to have its objects and concepts cluttered, so it uses a mathematical algorithm to purport its subjects/objects. This algorithm affects our everyday moods, which is why sometimes we wake up extremely angry; other days, we're at peace; other days, we feel null and then finally there are days where we smile throughout the entire day, laughing on cloud 9. This is, in fact, the Fibonacci Sequence's fluctuation within us all.


However, we can remove the Fibonacci Sequence cycle by hiding our emotions and our feelings as to "stop spinning", stunting our humanity and our mind by creating more fire than water, much like everything "rock-like" in this Universe is encompassed by water for a "reason", so when humans live by fire only, they are letting go of water, which is imperative to the metaphysical foundation that is solid/liquid in physical form and mental form as per why you have to hold onto the pottery while it's spinning, or it falls apart in your hands. Hence why wise men walk/talk like water, while feared men walk/talk in place, like stone, with laws they never want to change, destroying lives because they cannot rearrange, and refuse to evolve or move from their place.

The teacher that trashes the student's art has always been something that I could never forget, as it feels to be an important point that has to be made about how often people envy and how often that envy is left unheeded. The students do not band together to preserve the student's art, but instead either ignore or laugh at the student watching their work be trashed by the teacher, just for it all to go over their heads, completely forgotten, while the student has to live with that memory for the rest of their life.


Then later on, the same students go their separate ways, fighting for a "cause", acting as if they care about anything, when they never acted in situations that required genuine concern for our people. As someone who has, I can reasonably say that I care - I care far more than any children that think caring is as simple as selectively choosing WHAT TO CARE. I care about everything - these children that use the evolution of their body to justify their decisions because they are an "adult", when they know NOTHING of art and expression; when they did not act, or stand when it mattered, makes me want to churn their existential shame into oblivion.

Cherry picking is something people love to do. They do it like a sexually insecure man desperate to dominate all the females. On top of that, they CHOOSE what to dominate, so by principle, they are not doing it to "dominate", they're doing it because they are "desperate" - only desperation would "CHOOSE" what it wants, while dominance wants it all. People that CHOOSE information, cannot CHOOSE truth. You either look at everything, or wear wool over your eyes to then bathe in gasoline until someone with a PASSION comes by to set you aflame.

If I can't do it - YOU CAN'T DO IT... Because I said so! Ah, this logical fallacy makes me want to punch the mask right off of people at times. People that are actually mad at other people because they, themselves, FAILED. I cannot tell my future children that I have ever been angry at others being better than me. When I was young, I would put up a front, no doubt, but underneath that front, I did not cower - I transpired over the years, to the point I am now legitimately far better than those I used to look up to; and I cannot say I look down on them either. I'm just functionally stronger, more stable and on a different level of sensibility than they are. I got to this point by being wrong and making stupid decisions for 5 whole years, now I am living 8 years being 99% correct. While everyone else is just absolutely WRONG, not because I am RIGHT, but because they FEAR BEING WRONG. I do not fear, I embrace it. It's so fun being kicked down by someone beating me at an ideological complex, as it has happened before, but it rarely occurs that when it happens, it's a beautiful sensation of feeling human again, but when they are wrong, to them for the first time as they treat it, ALL HELL BREAKS LOOSE, why? Because they DON'T FACE THEIR ERRORS - I DID; I CONTINUE TO.

Oh, it's getting hot in here, this passion is roaring through these passages I write, so take off your shirt, because it will only get deeper into the core from here on out. Speaking of cores, emotion is not embrace. You either yell at darkness, the thing you fear as a child, because it sees things in you as a metaphysical mirror, to pretend that you're winning by breaking down to your fear, or you face the darkness and understand what it's doing to you and why you react, not reason. So think of your chest as the core; when you feel pain in that core, you have FAILED; when you feel power in that core, you are FREE - when you feel pain in darkness, you have FAILED; when you feel power in that darkness, you have SUCCEEDED.

Pride, wait what? Pride! What's that? It's power! What power? Pride! You mean gay pride? NO! PRIDE! The lion's pride? NO! P.R.I.D.E! People Reaping Internal Debt Esoterically? NO, it's when people fight for their country, their people and their beliefs! OH! You mean when people think with their balls! I get you now. So it's pride when they make it about themselves, but it's philosophy when they make it about everything else? OKAY. So pride is SUPER PHILOSOPHY, with a cape, on fire, but wait... People with pride have pride so they don't have to make it about themselves. You know, people with pride remind me of the Cane of Byrna from Zelda: Link to The Past. So every time I see people with pride, I have to laugh at their flatulent flames protecting them, when all it takes is water, like throwing Link into one of the rivers. "THIS IS NOT ABOUT ME", then what about the pride? "IT'S ABOUT ME", but what about your issues? "IT'S NOT ABOUT ME". Oh, so now you have multi-personality disorder! Got it!

Do you know what makes me WANT to not care when people get murdered? (I do care, no doubt, because I am a human being, and I understand my brain is simply reflecting on how much pain people have caused, so it's using death to measure the debt they owe. I'm just honest with the feelings I have and I understand their complex patterns, as I would never harm another soul on this planet. I can reflect on what they make me feel, however, when they do cause me to feel pain with their shame they live with, as a child of anger wants their parents to die, it's just a measure of their pain; it's not physical or real. It doesn't take much to realize that wanting people to be killed is a logical fallacy anyways.) As I was saying, what makes me WANT to, is people, selfish scum that choose their FEAR over their OWN PEOPLE. They will demonize you, chain you to a lie and have the people come for you, to protect THEMSELVES, from their OWN DAMNATION. People have SUFFERED years of UNJUSTIFIED punishment because someone is able to spread rumors or some sort of poison in the community aimed towards you, to make you their scapegoat. What infuriates me more is that rumors are useless if the people weren't so GULLIBLE.


Oh there's more to this! People can easily believe they are right, when they are WRONG; gods, ghosts, demons, faeries, curses and every other wacky doodle thingamajig thought in the history of mankind. They believe the people they love, when they are ALSO WRONG. They all come together to agree on WRONG things, to REASSURE themselves, but when it comes to the TRUTH; when it comes to the idea that they are WRONG, instead of saying "yeah, I might be wrong, but I would like to explain X, Y and Z", they say "NO, UR WRONG... BECAUSE I SAID SO!" or "UR STUPID; TROLL; POTHEAD; ALIEN; THEY THINK THEY ARE GOD, HAHA". It doesn't take that much psychology to see the games people play to protect their facades everyday. When these people that speak in broken English behave in the SAME MANNER as those who speak in unbroken English, it's just a bit more complicated to see what they ARE DOING, hint... A politician acts like a child, you just have to get over the fact that their body is older, their suit is a distraction and their "success" is a ploy. People do not WEAR wisdom.

People judge you everyday, so you would think "hey, if you judge me, I can judge you too, so we can see each other fairly" - NOPE. They can judge you, and even have their judglings by their side, but when you judge them, all hell breaks loose! The judge can judge you, but you cannot judge the judge, when being a judge means you judge, so aren't we all judges because we all can judge? All judgment proceeds death, thus all judgment is not absolute, for it can judge something nobody even knows about!

You say the society is over-running the aspects of females, the males get all butt hurt because they know it's true. But what's this? Females are getting butt hurt too!? But why! Let's see. "Hey, this society is not allowing females to express themselves in their nature, but instead through the fantasy of men, hence sex is everywhere, the clothes we sell, the way we build our lives with our "loved ones" with sex/celibacy (celibacy is simply sex in denial), and the men want to be the bread winners, to make the choices, the laws, and man the power." Female: "Wut, r00000d! dun u evn kno wut ur talkin' aboot (well, she's Canadian now)! But fine, I'll give a female who can speak proper English for those who can, but let's not deny that 90% of the time, females talk like they are one-hand texting two cell phones. Female-that-can-text-in-fine-literary-poise: "Us females are not suppressed by men, we are equal. To say that we are suppressed by these men is offensive to us! We say we are not suppressed, so we are not suppressed. We have power... The lack of female presidents, the family role, the contraception rules, the religious ideas for women, the cliche of a girl living in a man's world and having trouble getting through it told through stories and movies - all of this is just a ploy, we still have power, I mean look at how we get men to have sex with us, and obey us, yeah, that's our power." Yeah... You heard it here folks, women use their body, not their brain to man power (the irony). Not only that, you speak the truth - BOTH SIDES GET MAD. So you heard it here folks, the truth is so powerful, that it can turn two enemies into friends just so they both can tear down the middle that holds it all up. You wonder why? It's because both sides are WRONG.

Now here's the deal breaker. Sites and societies that enforce rules are more likely to be infested with power heaving mental contortionists that have no regard for humanity, unless it fuels their power. Sites and societies that do not enforce rules are make it or break it - it really depends on the people manning the project. Just think of it like this, the more rules you make, the less room an artist can have. Even the Universe supports space and MUTUAL laws, not PHYSICAL laws that RESTRICT us PHYSICALLY. And that argument "but if we have no morals or rules, we will kill each other and play jump rope with each other's spines and play hot potato with each other's guts!", no... You cannot be anymore stupid. IF that was TRUE, we, BEFORE RULES WERE EVER CREATED, in the day of the cave men would have done that, and killed everyone off the face of the planet! There are many wise men who did not follow rules and morals, and they were great men - let's switch it around and look at men who DO FOLLOW RULES, oh look at that! Your life is dependent on the words written ON A PIECE OF A PAPER; you wanted rules, fool, now you will reap what you sowed! Get behind those bars and live the closed in life you always lived, but now on a physical level. Because you will live with the responsibility you threw away by not FIGHTING AGAINST THESE RULES THAT ARE HERE TO CONTROL US WITH FEAR.


You look at the founding father's rules (it's hard to believe people still are so stupid to even think they founded this country on christian values when they RAN from them TO BEGIN WITH), it's like a wise men telling us things we need to know, and leaving the rest up to us. You look at RULES, like the ones that can send us to prison, instead of a public trial to SITUATE our flaws with our own people, with no CRUEL PUNISHMENT, by DEALING WITH EACH OTHER'S MISTAKES ON A HUMAN LEVEL, THAT ISN'T SHROUDED BY "JUSTICE" AND "FAIRNESS". People who think like animals have no chemical balance to understand FAIRNESS, especially when the tables are turned on them, they suddenly plea and want people to do the OPPOSITE of what they did to man they already executed because this COWARD did not want to be a MAN.

So, have you guys ever noticed that people treat ideas like farts? People LOVE their friend's farts, they giggle and laugh about it all, but when a stranger farts, OH DEAR LORD, THE SIN YOU HAVE RELEASED HAS REPELLED YOUR SOUL FROM THE HEAVENS. And have you ever noticed that wise man see their wisdom as normal, like farmers love the smell of manure? Finally, have you ever noticed that the unwise love to talk about the words ****, ****, ass, insults and every lowest denominator of colloquy known to man? There's a psychical reason why people don't say LOVE, SENSE, FIGHT, STRENGTH, I AM WRONG, when they are mad... Just going to put that out there. I stub my toe in the morning for an example, "I CHEATED ON MY WIFE YESTERDAY". I fall down the basement stairs, "I STOLE $20 DOLLARS FROM MY MOTHER'S PURSE". No, we say "ouch" and pretend nothing happen, just like when we created on our wife or stole from our mother's purse; just like when people fart and the manure at farms. So there's a REASON why truth makes us get MAD and IRRITATED like a MATH FORMULA WE CAN'T SOLVE, WE CAN'T UNDERSTAND OR CONNECT WITH.


And no, it's not because something is wrong with the formula; something is wrong with YOU. The only reason why you cannot stand the truth, is because you cannot stand the FART OF A STRANGER. And you're just worried because the truth doesn't get you laid, so there's that too.


"BUT MUH DICK/VAJAJA". Yeah, sorry but it's like what? 1/100 of your body? You have a brain connected to the Universe! START USING IT. Why else can we imagine what it is like to see from a bug's point of view? Why else can we imagine what Earth would look like when looking at it from Mars? BECAUSE WE ARE THE UNIVERSE YOU UNGRATEFUL FOOLS.

So do you want to know what your dick and vajajajajajaja (sorry, I was exploring my inner Spanish) really are?! The dick, the volcano and the star are the Universe's tools for spreading seeds. The vagina, the soil and the black hole are the Universe's tools for absorbing seeds. The male, the dick, the volcano and the star live their lives outwards; giving life inwards. The female, the vagina, the soil and the black hole live their lives inwards; giving life outwards. Now stop taking such a magnificent system for granted and start understanding sex beyond your SENSELESS INDULGENCE.


Speaking of indulgence, I sure do love how people think making themselves comfortable and happy is AT ALL CONSTRUCTIVE. "I'm happy, so leave me alone", but there is a bomb ticking down the flight of stairs! We must do something! "I just got comfortable in my 10 blanket-wrap supreme, I feel so warm!" You're going to feel a lot warmer soon if you don't get up and DEAL WITH THAT BOMB. "But I already took off my slippers, why don't you ask someone else to read the bomb manual, I need some shut eye", IT'S LOCKED IN THE VAULT. YOU HAVE TO DO SOMETHING. WE DON'T KNOW THE CODE TO YOUR VAULT. "Oh, that's okay. I gave the code to an Indian worker who speaks very poor English just in case this happened, just call this number and he'll tell you the number so you can unlock the vault, run back down stairs to defuse the bomb." (That is HOW PEOPLE MAKE ME FEEL WHEN DEALING WITH THEIR ME-DISEASE. IF THEY AREN'T HAPPY, THEN IT DOESN'T MATTER TO THEM. "Mommy, my brother touched me in the no no." "Dear, you probably had a dream. Our son would never do that... he is very successful and will soon join the air force so we can make lots of money off of him." And while this is happening, the brother is giving the sister that stare and the mother doesn't have the SENSE TO CATCH IT RIGHT THEN AND THERE.) Yes, let's choose someone's "success" or our pleasure over someone else's abusive experience! Sounds LOGICAL AND MORALISTICALLY SANE.


Then when the extremely analytic ones catch the culprit, and we have them where we want them, we hire MONKEYS FOR THE JURY. The culprit says "I didn't do it". Instead of the judge saying "What if you did?", to see their reaction, they say "Well, there's no evidence, so he didn't do it because there's no evidence", but there is evidence! They have a motive! "What is that motive?" There is a psychological - "No, we do not deal with psychology in this room, even if it's based on peer-reviewed studies that follow the accuracy of psycho-profiles. It does not matter that you know the man - if we do not see the man commit the action, it did not happen." But sir, the events are connected, there's a pattern! "Well, I'm just a country man who cannot wait for the break coming up so I can go smoke a cigarette. If you don't mind, I'd like to rush this case." Sir! Why is it that when it comes to evil men, you turn your back on the case, but when it comes to accused men, you look at every single excuse in the room until you convict the man?! "Plaintiff, escort this riled man out of the court room, he is disturbing the peace." Judge, you are a dishonorable man! How can you do this! This is INHUMANE! THE MAN IS GUILTY AND YOU KNOW IT." (It turns out, the man that was convicted was part of a drug ring the judge was in on.)

You know what I enjoy? Surgeons. They love to cut people open and see their insides, but when it comes to them, they HATE IT when you get inside their heads. They are also very meticulous and seem to live by psychopathy. They do not feel, but they FEEL cutting people open for SOME REASON. Doesn't help that anyone can become a surgeon, as you can become one with D's (grades or breast size). Doesn't help that their job is full of stress and consisted of a terrible atmosphere, so you have ticked off surgeons working on your body. Isn't that just wonderful? Let's play classical music while we're at it.


You can tell a lot by a man's choice of weapon. Those who cut love doing what they do on a personal level. Those who use a gun are cowards that lost the face of reality. Those who asphyxiate you are representing themselves choking on the inside, so when they choke you, it's because there's a psychical language to "tight" and "having no air", much like how the eye of a tornado behaves. Those who use their own body are people who have no control over themselves on a physical level, rather than a mental level. That is why people who use actual tools, instead of themselves, are less caught - there's a meticulous plan behind tools, instead of this emotional need to destroy something. So pay attention to HOW PEOPLE LOSE IT, because KNOWING WHY, WILL GIVE YOU THE KNOWLEDGE TO STOP IT.

When people say they love me, just to say it, I never take it to much thought. It's when people THINK about saying it to me, is when I truly accept it. I hate forced love just because people think it's at all constructive. It's nice, it's a cherry on-top, but that cherry is not going to be the ball we need to get rolling, now is it? For an example, a war just broke out - what will solve this? HAPPINESS? The band-aid that slows down the healing process, while covering up NATURAL SCARS. Or something else that actually can address the issue, not our insecurities? Just imagine your leader saying, "Men you go in, I have to go behind this brush to masturbate, cut myself, snort cocaine, tube alcohol up my ass and look at pictures of my family before I go in, because I want to die happy." Yeah, a war you could have won if your leader was there keeping your people in LINE, but INSTEAD, he was SNORTING LINES.

So about those crazy cat ladies. Doesn't it appear odd how easy it is for people to grow attached to such things? So why do people grow attached to things, while planets, stars and suns STAY IN THEIR RELATIVE SPACE? Maybe it's because people have childish gravitational systems! And no, body mass does not increase the gravity level, but the mass of ignorance sure does! The more you know, the smaller the hole - understand? We are born with a giant hole inside all of us, the wise know how to close this hole with knowledge, but others... They keep trying to plug it up with dildos, law suits, fingernail polish, money, steroids, books, emotions and pointing at other people's holes. So if you want to be "SOMETHING", like a planet, star or a sun, THEN UNDERSTAND HOW TO CLOSE THE HOLE UP WITH THE SPACE AROUND THE HOLE, NOT WITH YOUR NONSENSE.

Everyone has something they hunger for; sex, drugs, people, attention, food, art, exercise or all of the above; exercising through sex with blow up dolls, while doing drugs, with everyone watching you, eating food, then vomiting on a wall. Sex does not fill us; drugs do not fill us; people do not fill us; attention does not fill us; food does not fill us; art does not fill us; exercise does not fill us; knowledge fills us and governs everything else that does not fill us. Knowledge is the eternal eye, heed these words. Also buy knowledge for only $5.96 at The Brain Stem - if you buy it now, you will be guaranteed 200 brain cells, but we will not guarantee they will last long - our products are like organic food, it does not last long if you do not take responsibility for it. Buy now!

What disturbs me is how intelligence and ignorance both can be expressed, but here's the thing... If you throw ignorance at a wall, you get BLACK - that's it. If you throw intelligence at a wall, you get SOMETHING BACK, you feel me dog? Intelligence is rare, like many great things in life. Intelligence scares us, like that perfect girl/boy we want to live our whole life with. It breaks us and makes us lash out when we fail to take control over this power we can obtain. Ignorance is like that $1 hoe who lives in a box in some dark alley way who picks her nose with heroine needles. Not even the dollar tree wants this mangy tramp. So yes, ignorance is bliss because it's easy and does not challenge our potential. My advice is to go where the heat burns, but do not go where it peels your skin, you dig? Stay away from the comforting atmospheres, they will take you nowhere - contention > comfort. Do you think this Universe evolved itself through liquid and heat just for us to SIT AROUND AND DO NOTHING. Your mother's uterus went into rehab after giving birth to you and this is HOW YOU LIVE YOUR LIFE? IF YOUR HEAD GOT STUCK, YOU'D BE AS PRODUCTIVE AS YOU ARE NOW; MUFFLING THROUGH YOUR OBSTACLES, AND BARELY HEARING WHAT PEOPLE ACTUALLY HAVE TO SAY. But sure, I guess your mother's bodily fluids flowing in your ears gets you real pumped! Let me guess, "DON'T TALK ABOUT MY MOTHER'S FLUIDS LIKE THAT SON", well, if you really cared about your mother, instead of you being insulted and pretending it's about your mother, and not you wanting to start a fight, you would be laughing and taking life with a heart that beats WITH YOUR ACTIONS/THOUGHTS, but frankly right now, you're a FLAT LINER.


Hatred is so fun, it's so easy to get its spurs going. Sometimes I tell people that my favorite thing in life is dinosaurs, so I create this hateful seed that can allow me to attack EVERYONE, IN EVERY COUNTRY? Why? Because people are walking on ground, which contains oil, which came from dinosaur fossils! So I tell them "You can hate on my ideas, since I supposedly made fun of your ideas", they say "no", but you're WALKING ON MY DINOSAUR'S LAND, FOOL. THIS IS THE DINO LAND, CUZ. THIS OIL IS RICHER THAN YOUR IGNORANCE, AND IT KNOWS IT'S LIMITED. OIL LIVES FOR THE FUTURE, WHILE YOUR IGNORANCE LIVES IN THE PAST - THE IRONY! I am not even a hateful person and I can control the entire world with hate if I wanted to - IT'S THAT EASY TO HATE. "Yo man, why you wearing those shoes, I don't like you wearing those shoes, they make me feel off." Well, if I take these shoes off, won't that make it ironic that it puts you back on? ARE YOU CALLING MY SHOES A TEETER TOTTER? I'LL HAVE YOU KNOW THAT I GRADUATED FROM THE SHOE STORE, I TRAINED IN THE SOLE STADIUM AND HAVE SEEN MANY SHOES HAVE THEIR TAGS REMOVED BECAUSE PEOPLE ARE BARBARIANS THAT JUST WANT TO MAKE THE JOKE "FEETALITY"! I live for the motto: "Live by the sole, or live like a hole."

When it comes to the "emo" people, I just want to color them rainbow, but they don't want that, so then I think to myself, yeah I wouldn't want to be a rainbow either, but why? Well, it's like food. I don't want to taste everything at once, okay? We want to experience life's spices individually, if you have it all in one place, then you're killing experience. So the emo has taught us a valuable lesson - BUSINESS IS KILLING EXPERIENCE. IT FORCES US TO GO SOMEWHERE TO EXPERIENCE, WHEN EXPERIENCE IS EVERYWHERE. BUSINESS DOES NOT VALUE EXPERIENCE - IT DESTROYS IT FOR EGO. ONE WOULD THINK THAT SOMETHING THAT REQUIRES YOU TO DESTROY LAND IN THE FIRST PLACE WAS A BAD MOVE. I don't know about you, but I see a lot of color and creation in the "emo", but when it comes to businesses, it's almost as if they are the aliens - THEY ARE GREY! THEY BUILD THINGS BEYOND OUR IMAGINATION. THEY ARE ALIENS. THE ALIENS ARE HERE! AND THEY ARE OUR ENEMIES. But wait, wise men built great things, too! Okay, so there are BAD ALIENS AND GOOD ALIENS. There are "GREY ALIENS" AND "GREEN ALIENS".

Why is it that the wise live in pain, but the unwise live in paradise? I'll tell you why. Wise men suffer like the transpiring child in the family, or a society. People do not like it when other people do what they cannot do, so they bring them down to their level by demonizing them, accusing them and vilifying them. People hate it when things change around them, because they LIVE IN A SHELL. "YOU ARE WORTH NOTHING, THERE'S NOTHING YOU DO THAT'S SPECIAL", wait, why are you telling me this and not anyone else? OH WAIT, IT'S BECAUSE THIS IS BACKWARDS TALK, THE FAMOUS DENIAL LANGUAGE, I GET IT. Thank you for the compliment! If I am worth nothing and not special, why do you treat me so personally? I KNOW WHY - but you REFUSE TO ACCEPT WHY. Considering that there are more ERRORS and MISTAKES living among MEN, as well as BIOLOGICAL MESSES from incest and body abuse, the wise are truly living the wild life. It's like jungle-ception. The jungle we live in pretends to be a society > the people think they are living in a jungle, when there's a jungle behind this jungle > the wise live in a jungle of people that think the society is a jungle, when there's THE JUNGLE behind all jungles.

You know what upsets me? I do love science AND religion, but not for the stupid reasons others do. I always admired the juxtaposition between what is reality and what is imaginary. I know what is real and what isn't real. I know the difference between what I feel and what is fact. I know the difference between concept and object. However, seeing people use their "god" as an excuse FOR EVERYTHING, is absolutely PITIFUL. And guess what? Science also has their "god" - "no evidence, no essence". Wait, so you're telling me... that a system THAT WAS FOUNDED ON PHILOSOPHY, does not accept philosophy? Just in question? To see if it CAN LEAD SOMEWHERE? NO? It has to be evidence, or GTFO? OKAY. SOUNDS COMPLETELY LOGICAL, YEP. Let's completely ignore the fact that all things we know now, WERE ONCE A PHILOSOPHICAL QUESTION > THAT UNDERGONE THE PROCESS OF TRUTH > TO BECOME SOMETHING TO AGREE WITH. At least science's "god", or "ego", went through the process, but it CLOSES OFF ITS FOUNDER. While religion did not go through the process, and hasn't proven ANYTHING except that people are stupid and selfish. There is the Universe; Science is for the Brain; Religion is for the Heart. GOT IT? There is room for idealism and realism, PLEASE GET YOUR PRIORITIES STRAIGHT. I am so sick of science blocking out idealism; religion blocking out of realism. Dear religion, you're not real, hence why you are not REALigion - there's a reason why you base it off of FAITH, NOT TRUTH.


What about these people who choose their beliefs over people's LIVES? "I think this, I cannot prove it, but you will obey my belief because else I feel broken and useless." Yes, let's destroy other people's lives for IDEAS, SOUNDS ABSOLUTELY LOGICAL GUYS. Let's destroy what is REAL, for what we THINK IS REAL, VERY GENIUS, MUCH PENIS. If you're going to think with your balls, at least try to think TWICE AS MUCH AS HITLER. Instead of killing your own people, without realizing "wait, why am I killing them, I wouldn't want to be killed, because then I could not kill, so killing is a logical fallacy." Woo! Let's destroy life for TEMPORARY DELIGHT! SO CONSTRUCTIVE! MUCH INCENTIVE! You'll be on your death bed - WAIT, there's no death bed, that was destroyed along with everything else you TOOK FOR GRANTED. ALL YOU HAVE LEFT IS WHAT WHAT YOU HAD THEN, BEFORE YOU BECAME A HUMAN NUCLEAR THREAT TO YOUR OWN PEOPLE BECAUSE YOU COULD NOT DEAL WITH YOUR EMOTIONS. He who cannot live on the inside takes it outside; he who cannot live on the outside takes it inside. He who can take life, takes it by the horns; he who cannot take life, takes it up the ass.. COMMITMENT IS LIKE MARRIAGE... IT NEVER WORKS.

A wise man seems restless to those who DON'T KNOW TENSION. A wise man's "restless" feature is similar to how a fat man looks at an athlete and goes "...". Wise men are SO MENTALLY EVOLVED, that they MAKE YOU TIRED. There's nothing wisdom cannot do, for wisdom is like water; it shapes itself according to all objects/concepts. So the next time you see some business man saying a farmer is lazy or some kid that masturbates every chance they are alone, wondering why they are always tired compared to a kid that thinks and studies life tells the latter kid "man, you're just a retard. go back to school. nobody likes you. you're not a special snowflake", while the kid is so knowledgeable and cunning that he said to that kid "I am well aware of your activities, as when you speak, you joke much about masturbation and seem to know much of it, so I'm quite sure that this snowflake disappears as quickly as that pleasure you feel when you choose to touch yourself over touching the Universe." Whereas when the unwise deal with situations, it's like "yo world, what did I do to deserve this. leave me alone, cuz. I got a life, man. I do what I do. I am not doing anything wrong, but you just keep attacking me with consequences and making me deal with stupid ****, why can't I enjoy my money, my women, my pleasure and my success without you making me feel small?" Yes, a person who does not know their existence, is arguing with the Universe... Sounds LEGIT. This is the difference - the wise question themselves; the unwise QUESTION EVERYTHING ELSE, BUT THEMSELVES.


People can see ignorance; people can see intelligence; people cannot see genius. If I were to place an average man next to a man of genius, then asked a crowd of people to choose the wise man, they will laugh at the genius and laugh with the average man - why? HUMANS ARE ON DIFFERENT FREQUENCIES. The brain and the heart exist on FREQUENCIES. The frequencies have DIFFERENT LEVELS, and they can CHANGE COLOR. There's a REASON why people who can see color in sound only see it THROUGH SOUND - sound waves are based on COLORS OF THE RAINBOW; EACH COLOR REPRESENTS A DIFFERENT PERSONALITY. It is also IN ORDER, so Red is the beginning (survival), while Purple is the end (transcendence). There's a reason why there's not many things on this planet that are purple, without people mixing colors and creating a man-made purple. It's a special color that serves as the HIGHEST state of these frequencies. Females and males are on different frequencies. Man and Creatures are on different frequencies. OUR PLANET IS ON THE SAME FREQUENCY AS OUR BIOLOGICAL SYSTEM. Everything COMMUNICATES via "ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVES". These waves behave like RIPPLES, like this )..)...).....)..........), our ENTIRE SOLAR SYSTEM, STARTING FROM THE SUN, IS DESIGNED IN A RIPPLE EFFECT, hence why the planets near the sun are closer, while every proceeding planet gets farther and farther. The old planet said to the young planet, "I am your farther". Relation jokes are fun. Want another? A rock is surrounded by objects, someone says, "I bet you I could remove everything around the rock, and make the rock disappear." The people said "you are stupid, that can't happen! PROVE IT", so then the man removed the objects, and asked them "where did the rock go?", the people said "IT'S STILL THERE! YOU LIED.", then the man said "it is not a rock, but an object that we called a rock when objects surrounded it. We could say it was a rock, because everything else was not a rock, but now that we removed the objects, there is no relation point. The rock cannot exist without objects defining its intricate properties, as a man cannot exist without others knowing his existence." The people then hung him, because they thought he was a demon, The End.

Riemann's Hypothesis is such a poorly misunderstood formula. This formula is proof that the Universe is using imaginary units to create life, such as fear, illusion and things that contrast reality. It explains why ignorance is so infinite, but at the same time it's absolutely nothing. However, perhaps ignorance is not "nothing", in the sense it's not "there", on a physical level, but really that it's "dark matter", the "unborn" side of the Universe. You know, that part of the Universe that reminds you of hit boxes in games. Some things are solid; others things you can go through. Just because it isn't solid, doesn't mean it's "nothing". Ideas are not solid, but they are everything - the ideological tree that surges through us all.


Games are actually a very great metaphor for people that don't want to grow up. Billions of people live their lives like the noob that has a rusty dagger and wonders why they can't skip to level 100 to beat the obsidian dragon to get the best weapon in the game. Some make it to mid-way levels. Few make it to the very high levels. The ones that made it to max level, to the point they truly felt like gods in their own rightful experience, can be counted on your fingers. And cheating just gets you to any point without ANY EFFORT.

Every day, I live in a world of animals wearing human costumes that treat their heroes like slaves - even in the comics, the events go something like this: Hero does a thousand things good, the people call them a hero because the hero cleans up their mess; Hero does one thing bad, the people form a witch hunt against the hero because people were selfish before the hero, and are still selfish after the hero, so they chose their fear over their hero. We must live in a terrible world for the good men to die like dogs, while the bad dogs get away because people ARE TOO SCARED OF DEALING WITH THEM.

People today seem to have focused more on their inner lemming instead of focusing on their way of living. Well to start, they LOVE JUMPING OFF THE CLIFF. But when it comes to wisdom, NO, I CAN'T JUMP IN. The amount if irony that exists in this world is astounding! Yes, let's believe in all this nonsense people drum up, instead of the truth, sounds VERY SENSIBLE. Let's just FOLLOW EVERYONE ELSE, instead of saying "well, the ones that jumped never returned, so maybe it's not a good idea?", then the lemming lives a life - if life gives you lemmings, you DON'T JUMP OFF A CLIFF.

I'm not asking you to follow me - I am asking you not to trip over yourself. It really makes me laugh to see people say "no, I won't be like you", when it's not that - YOU ARE JUST AN ABOMINATION RIGHT NOW AND NEED TO REEVALUATE YOURSELF. Chances are, you let this society shape you - and this society is NOT IN GOOD SHAPE. You are what you see - an advanced phrase from "you are what you eat". So please, use your eyes wisely, or those that do will see you equivalent to children's drawings. WHOA, is that a SQUIGGLY LINE AND A PIECE OF A HEART INSIDE THAT PINK ZIG ZAG LINE THAT'S GOING TOWARDS THE BLUE HAIR AND THE GREEN CIRCLE. AND WHAT IS WITH THE RED SPLOTCHES? MUCH ART; SO DONE. Believe it or not, this description of art could describe a LOT of people.

Reality is perception. Perception is emotion / reaction. The Universe compliments, but does not implement everything in the sense that everything works, everything behaves, everything will be perfectly fine when associated according to its own premise and purpose. There will be things that cause disruption to the Universe in ways that create a guilty conscious, a physiological system of anxiety, and bodily poison, or physical consequences because of the butterfly effect.


Even though we can remove everything and return back to point 0 through human experience, itself; perception remains - why? We can do nothing. We can dream nothing. We can be everything and nothing. And have the strongest passion - the strongest pull of anyone that does do something; that does dream. Why? Well, ask yourself why light cannot escape a black hole, and you'll understand!


We are naive, but we strive. We are empty, but in that, we are full of what can be - not what already is.

Applying reason and comforted logic towards people that are the definition of losing their footing is a problem - the only thing that these people need is a better society that understands how to deal with their negativity in a natural way, not an immoral way. When someone gets mad, but does not get physical, LET THEM VENT. Our bodies are basically like geysers throughout this planet, the moon, mars, you name it! By plugging up these holes, you are holding back destructive power, the kind that can be addressed in a non-destructive manner. Anger is NATURAL. FIRE is an ELEMENT that influences our ANGER'S NATURE. Just because YOU ARE SCARED OF RED FACES, does not MEAN YOU CAN ELIMINATE ITS GRACE. There's nothing more beautiful than seeing Man be human, instead of animal and machine. We watch violence - we love violence, but WHEN IT IS ABOUT US, we want nothing to do with it, why? Cowards. You are a coward. A very massive COWard.


I tend to find that people that accept their inner animal less dangerous than those that try to confine it. Not confining your inner animal does not mean you have no morals - it means you have more control. Fearing our negative emotions is wrong - feeling our negative emotions is right. Knowing how to let them go without harming anyone physically and causing long-term damage, is what people need to learn best. Because these emotions will come out one way or another; the longer you wait, the more control you lose.

So what IS a STUPID PERSON? Allow me to show you. They do not live in this reality; they live in their reality. They expect the best for themselves and their clique; they expect the worst for everything else. They do not solve issues that do not relate to their experience - most of the time, issues are not solved at all, or very reluctantly by having no choice, or by force of another. They are distracted by everything except life. They live in the past; plan for the future, with no regards for the present. They never learned how to not say anything when they do not have an answer to a question or circumstance; they say things, just to say something. They use quantity over quality. They use their heart over their brain. They are hypocritical and delusional. They do not want to be criticized, while on the other hand, they criticize others. They do not argue; they grief. They choose dwelling over discipline. They do not construct; they deconstruct. Their entire life is personal, not practical. They say they live life to the fullest, without understanding the notion that there is no such thing as "fullest" in a Universe beyond human comprehension - that such statements of absolution are solely a medium for compensation towards depravity of psychical security. They have little to no experience / knowledge, yet insist they are right over those with mountains of experience / knowledge. They hold on; they do not let go. (It can differ from distinguishing where there weakness is, as some individuals hold onto A, but not Z; others hold onto Z, but not A. Albeit the purpose of doing so is verily accurate in both cases.) They do not reason; they rationalize. They interact with this Universe as to treat themselves or to turn it into a toy. They are pharisaic; they are not sympathetic. They live through other people's experiences and stories. (This is ironic considering how personal they are; however there is a difference between living in definition and living in desire.) They choose money over mind; life over luxury. They rather do things that last temporarily than to do things that last a life time. When they fail, they dwell. When they win, they rub it in. They do not reason; they react. They do not enter a discussion to debate ideas; they enter to express their disgust - they do not use evidence; they use emotion. They do not appeal to facts; they appeal to their feelings. They do not see with their brain; they see with their eyes. They do not have self-humility, self-recognition and self-discipline. They never change. They never become. They never let go. They never accept. They never think. They never cared. The only thing that matters to one whose life is shaped around envy and stupidity, is anything that distracts themselves from all of which advocated such.


There you have it, stupid people in a nutshell. Let's define stupidity with one line now, because I love a challenge: Effort no longer is a concern when expectation is no longer a convenience. Ouch, that's a hard blow to stupid people. Very well said, brain.

Ad hominem, in itself, is an excuse. There are points where the ideas need to be addressed - and there are points where the idealist needs to be addressed, as anyone can see that the ideas are shaped by the person - if the person is not shaped properly, their ideas won't be shaped properly; addressing terribly shaped ideas is as counter-intuitive as criticizing a child's art display - there's just not much an intelligent mind can make out of some of the ignorant nonsense people drum up, but for damn sure it's entertaining.

There are men filled with happiness - there are men filled with pain. When darkness consumes us, the men filled with happiness will suffer - the men filled with pain will conquer. Pain gives us control, by giving us life. When we ignore pain, we forget life - we become cold machines that cannot feel, but still consist of the hungry void that devours everything. The man of pain will win against the dark times because they lived in darkness, while the people of happiness were all like "I'm a mosquito and I suck the life out of everything, but man that light sure is looking mighty fine right now! BZZZT".

A wise man does not judge - he observes without commitment. That is to say that the world is the wise man's teacher, hence why the wise man says "I am not wise". They know deep down what they say is not even their own creation - it COMES TO US. This wisdom, it flows through us naturally, but it DOES NOT COME WHEN WE ARE AGITATED AND CONFUSED. The Universe comes to us when WE COME TO THE UNIVERSE. Many men live their lives like the first stages of plant life - closed in. People have to LEARN HOW TO BLOSSOM, when THEY HAVE A BRAIN. WHAT IS THIS?! SANDBOX SOCIETY?

When you realize that your perception is but an air pocket in a cosmic sea, you'll double back every statement you've ever made. There's this cosmic sea which governs our thoughts, feelings, motion and everything "us". We are "pulled" by these forces, and it does not allow us to "push". That is why the wise is ALWAYS TALKING THROUGH THE UNIVERSE, NOT THEMSELVES. We consist of chemicals, atoms, physics and everything that already existed before us - the wise know that this cannot be our experience, for we were born WITH NO KNOWLEDGE and LEFT TO FEND FOR OURSELVES.

It profoundly disturbs me that such primates are discussing such grand possibilities with answer-ability rather than question-ability. By such, I mean the questions that make your head want to explode, as if your brain was experiencing a tiny version of the big bang. These people KNOW NOTHING, which is why they ASK IN THE FIRST PLACE, BUT they want an ANSWER, not another QUESTION. ARE YOU KIDDING ME PEOPLE? He who wants to answer all questions, is he who needs to QUESTION THEMSELVES. If you are forcing answers, you have issues - MASSIVE ISSUES. UNGRATEFUL FOOLS.

Here's a thought for you to feed on. Don't kid yourself - you're already a kid, thus you're just being redundant. Got it? There's no reason for you to fool around, when you are a fool at full circle. It's REDUNDANT. There's no reason for you to be an idiot that entertains people, when you cannot entertain an IDEA. There's no reason for you to not think, when YOU ARE ALWAYS NEEDING TO SPEAK. If you're going to be proud of NOT TAKING CARE OF YOUR TOOLS, then what does that make you? IT MAKES YOU, IN ITS REDUNDANT GLORY, A TOOL.

People deal with problems like they deal with babies. Instead of ADDRESSING THE ISSUE, it's instead "here have some candy, that'll shut your ass up". Yes, let's just give our issues candy, and hope the sweet nature of it will make it all go away. EXCELLENT IDEA. Then you wonder why you are all in a STICKY SITUATION, HUH?

To say as you say towards what I say, is to say what you need not to say, as to say what you say, is to not say how there is more than what we say. In other words, when I say, I mean what I say; I know what I say; I DEFINED IT AND REFINED IT OVER YEARS OF DILIGENT IDEOLOGICAL PRACTICE, when you say, it's not to say, but rather to not say what you should say, so you don't have to say, but because you say against what you want to say, you have to create this say-ception, when all you had to do was say what you WANTED TO SAY.

He who fears darkness, is he who is without the cosmic wardrobe. He who yearns for darkness, is a cosmic chameleon beyond the stars. Humans, you know the ones that are free from stupidity and fear, are fascinating. They are able to become anything they set their mind towards, creating strong relation points between where they stand and where they will end up. But the "humans", the false ones; uneducated, selfish, hypocritical spawns of disease that took over our reality, THEY CAN'T CHANGE; THEY ARE PREDICTABLE; THEY SAY THE SAME THING DECADES DOWN THE ROAD. If you met me a DAY FROM NOW, I would already have expanded my knowledge to a WHOLE NEW LEVEL. IN FACT, I could write endlessly after ALL OF THIS, because even when my mind doesn't want to connect to the things I have thought of, it WILL, and these doors will shut, while other doors will OPEN.

A world of labels, is a world that's unstable. So please, shut up - you don't know what you're saying. You hear words/read words everywhere, then you repeat them - how about APPLYING SOME THOUGHT INTO WHAT YOU'RE SAYING FOR ONCE? How many times am I going to have to see people reveal HOW LITTLE THEY KNOW OF WHAT THEY ARE SAYING. NO WONDER WHY THEY TALK SO MUCH! This Universe is fine without names - the fact that you NEED LABELS to not go INSANE, is because YOU ARE A PROBLEM - A SOCIALLY ENGINEERED DRONE TYPE.

Being a victim is just being half of victory. So when you are attacked, do not attack back, for you are half way in winning already. NEVER FIGHT IGNORANCE WITH INTELLIGENCE. IT WILL CONSUME YOU, WHY? Ignorance is dark matter - that stuff that makes you believe the Universe got drunk for billions of years, like we do, then FINALLY DOES SOMETHING WITH ITSELF. So what is attacking in my eyes? It's when you take it PHYSICALLY. If it's mental/personal and they are "offended" by it, you struck a gold mine in them. The longer you hit that sweet spot, the more you truly understand the person and what they are hiding from others.

People believe what a child says no matter how ridiculous it is, but when a child says something that is actually true, we don't believe it. WHY IS THIS EVEN A THING GUYS? PEOPLE, PEOPLE... PEOPLE.... THESE ARE CHILDREN, and YOU CANNOT SEE THIS? The only reason why you agree with them when they are making STUPID STUFF UP, is because YOU'RE STUPID, but when it comes to reality, suddenly the child is crazy, and making things up? THIS IS ABSOLUTELY INTOLERABLE. I'm laid back, you know? BUT THIS? THIS GOES BACK TO WHAT I "WANT", but cannot take seriously because it's just my brain REFLECTION THIS PAIN YOU INFLICT ON INNOCENT CHILDREN.

There are people that say yes more than they should; there are people that say no more than they should; very few learn when to truly say yes or no, because saying yes and no had become a pleasure tool rather than a practical tool. YOU ARE STUPID "no", YOU ARE SMART "yes", you are WISE "no", you are ignorant "yes". You see, this is why people are REALLY A MESS. They change their answers, not because of the context, no, but because you used DIFFERENT WORDS that made them FEEL DIFFERENT, but the words represented the SAME THING. It's like when someone says, "I'm not angry, I'm just you know... not happy, yeah." ARE YOU SERIOUS PEOPLE? Emotions are emotions. Reactions are reactions. But now you're CHOOSING words, that MEAN THE SAME THING, differently because of what THEY MAKE YOU FEEL? K.

It's sad that you base life on what you feel, rather than accepting that what you feel is not based on what appears. It makes no sense for anyone to assume that what they feel is true, when they have NO IDEA when it comes to their existence! Like are people THIS DESPERATE, that they cannot sit back and say "I don't know, but I'd like to", no they say "I WANT ANSWERS! WAA! GIVE ME ANSWERS! I CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT AN ANSWER, EVEN THOUGH I WON'T ACCEPT THEM IN THE FIRST PLACE! WAA!".

I have no purpose, goal or destination as I have stressed before. I'm sharing my ideas as they are - whether they be harsh or calm, like the waves of an ocean. I do not adhere to only calm, nor only harsh. As you read my messages as a whole, you can see how I flow in between the two throughout the message perpetually. I am like the nature of this Universe; you love me only when I make this world easy for you, but hate me when I am a natural disaster that is not "destroying", but recreating. I tear people apart because that's all they are, fragmented responses to their ignorance and what little they gathered from this well of ignorance, which is the "human" experience of dark matter - ignorance is the symbol of a beginning universe within the mind. I strive to apply the right elements to their mind to force their minds into overdrive, however the ego and the lack of self-humility chokes the process. I have turned people into warriors and gods of their own temple, as they listened not to how I live my life, but how to live their own life through the Universe as I had. I spoke the language of the Universe, from vibration, to frequency to energy - I felt and saw it all every day. When people spoke to me, I never saw a physical body, flesh or bone; I saw essence. People judged because they diverted their senses from the Universe unto objects and small points that are nothing compared to the father point that encompasses it all. I spoke, and felt the language of the juxtaposition between holism and nihilism. I was born by nature; raised by nightmare. I had a teacher not of this world, but within that spoke to me and was the language of the Universe in all of its shadowy bliss. I asked it once, "Who am I?", it spoke to me to say, "If you say you know me, then you don't know me. If you think you know me, then you probably know me." The key I have to the Universe is something you cannot have until you lose it all and let the void devour you. I now have the language of not only the Universe, but the shadow of it; I know very well what light truly is, and what darkness truly is. I see how life is created in the Universe, destroyed and recreated. At first, this was only about me when I cared about my physical image and what people thought of me; people loved me when I was an asshole that did it all, but did it physically. Now, I do it all mentally, and people hate me because thought and being is everything people do as a default, and because I do it far better than they ever allowed themselves to, I am suppressed, oppressed and silenced solely out of envy.

As dark, and complex as I am. Knowing the impressions I have given have severed any hope you may have - I always knew unto myself that what I was doing was something people should be doing; feeling the pain, expressing it and revealing to everyone without shame the distortion and chaos I was dealing with via my anger and my disobedient traits. In the end, I became a god that now knows all there is to know about consciousness, ignorance, "I", arrogance, psychopathy, how to fix this society, how to save humanity and the give stages of it: animosity, psychopathy/humanity, insanity, self-humility and nobody. I am on the last stage, which is much more of a beginning to an endless moment I have created after thousands of wild nightmares I won over by recognizing that the monster I was becoming could only be a true monster when I let go of my heart and my mind, but as long as that monster can recognize the Man it once was, it could never be more than a misunderstood friend. The search for truth is a monster's journey, I am afraid. The things you have to see in yourself to see the truth can be unappealing, much like the Universe was born from the darkest of regions in space, so to our genius and our passion.

People dream in a nightmare; people wish in a world that took away our stars; people hope in a world of action, where in dreams can be made, nightmares can be prevented; in a world where stars are seen in the sky, or in our hearts; and hope is built upon action, rather than dry anticipation.
It's time that we wake up and smell the thorns before the roses. It's time to attack the suits, the half-smiles, the practice of saying everything people want to hear. It's time that we lift these curtains and see the other half of the world, so we can deal with it accordingly. End the trolls - end the politicians - end the guards, moderators and sheep. Let people speak, and know when opposition - not suppression, infliction, silence or oppression - is needed in forms of words, not weapons. If someone is angry, let them be angry. Do not say "calm down". Understand them, as they are at that time. If someone has dark thoughts, work with them; do not fear their other side. It's time that we protect the natural animals, and put asleep the unnatural animals. Psychopathy must not live on; it is the product of humanity regressing. Everything is turning into a politically correct scenario - there's no emotion in these policies, which means that by encouraging these rules, we are taking away humanity and building a future for business and tyrants.


The human mind is like bacteria; naive, but strives. When the few are faced with hardships, allowing themselves to become the diamonds amongst opals through heat and strength, the many that don't are faced with a circumstance where in they are challenged; forced to face a reality they never gave themselves a chance to. So whilst they are naive, they still strive. Think of how a turtle ends up on its back; it viciously rocks back and forth naively, but in that naivety, it strives.
This is why a lot of children become better than their parents, but end up like their parents in the end. It's a vicious cycle where in life is no longer important - it's how important we feel in life. Parents do not listen to their children, and take back-talking as a form of disrespect, when in reality, it's a form of intelligence against the disrespecting parent for devaluing the ideas of their children. People refuse to be wrong, to fall, to let go of their pride and let in all, in spite of their own points of interests. The child's mind is very important, as it's where enthusiasm and imagination lives on through the dull prideful inferno we created as a society where in larceny beats family; money beats reality; luxury beats life and gain beats grace.


All of hatred is the result of two things: envy and stupidity. Now, when most say "stupidity", they leave it at that as some blanket statement - I will expound on what I really mean by it. By saying so, I am saying that we live in a world where in people are so full of themselves, as they are hollow, that they have the nerve to judge death, itself. Let not judgment proceed any Man - for all results of judgment are advocated by the lack of process. For an example, if I fail at doing what I love, I may catch myself becoming upset with myself for failing; in turn I start criticizing everyone else's work like my own, because it's easier to judge others than it is to judge yourself. That's another reason why trolls, psychopaths and moderators should be left unheeded for eternity; you will never receive any form of wisdom, irony and communication when they do not have any self-humility, themselves. It is all about control, power, manipulation, judgment, credit or some other form of self-centered agenda to them. They do not have the traits of being reborn, and so, they remain primitive, wavering, dysfunctional, unresponsive to pressure and integrity, while showing no problem in reacting to above, as the brain still forms envy through that stupidity, which is the unformed, the unmade, the ungiven, the un-Man. The reason why?


Remember: the man that stabbed your loved one; that shot your loved one; that took away from you, is the result of you encouraging a society which turns everyone into a ticking bomb waiting to combust into the very flames they could have faced; could have resolved, if they lived in a society where in psychopaths, moderators and trolls did not make it impossible for anyone to reach out with their humanity; their heart; their mind, to let go, because moderators, trolls and psychopaths are equivalent to dark energy; dark matter - they are the unformed, the ungiven; the unnamed; the unmade. Those that settle and shape themselves, are those that should be feared - not those that cannot stop themselves from breaking apart; from realizing the inner star within themselves that needs to let go, so it can create new beginnings through temporary destruction that can be controlled and understood. Heed not the lord; the king that sits upon his chair, with a power that merely resonates through the men he orders; heed the jester that took this dark age in his hands and turned it into a twisted irony that our intellectually-prone minds could fathom in a way our smiles and laughter portrayed solemnly.


In this day and age, psychopathy is the new future. Being told to hide your emotions; men do not cry; women are objects; fears, weaknesses and insecurities are projected unto everything and everyone; poetry being a sissy-activity; a society with a faith in the power houses that control said society over an odd influence that appears from the sea of infallible stasis; where in double standards, hypocrisies and envy thrive over sensibility, empathy and self-humility; a land of judgement, envy and power-trips intend to thwart the very traits of our humanity we require to expand and grow further down our psychical progression. If we keep people from crying, from feeling, from accepting their humanity, we are preventing the most dangerous of stars from dying, reforming into a super nova / black hole, to recreate new life that is unwavering, better formed and is more promising in having no chance to break down from a chemical fissure that lies beneath the surface of it all.


All signs of disobedience is a sign of break through. It matters how people deal with their unleashing. All rules, power, control, laws and focus points should be unheeded without warning, broken and replaced as concisely as atoms with every passing day; in an ever-changing environment where in both, chaos and peace emit a role.

The stars above our heads, as much as they are in our hearts, are whirlpools of dreams we see ourselves in, but when times are at its finest shade of black, we forget to look up to remember: no matter how distant the lights are, they are always close to us in a way that we cannot imagine, but embrace fully to our wishful content; the distance that is between you and the stars is what brings us closer to ourselves, if the stars were already close, we'd run from them like any other close loved one. As we live in space, we need our space. And so, when the time is right, everything in the distance will bring us home soon enough.

And so, as I bring this MOTHER LOAD to a closing, which is 65,000 character, yes, SIXTY-FIVE THOUSAND CHARACTERS, full of my thoughts, my jokes, my life, my experience, my love and passion for this world, in a harsh, but harmless way, throughout a generalized pocket of information that can APPLY TO ANYONE.
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Wed 10 Sep, 2014 06:50 pm
Very interesting read, I almost totally see and find myself in your way of writing and thinking, though there is one major flaw that makes the difference in that: some harsh-writing and pointing out of the bad and rotten is good, but that should be kept at a total of less than @ 15% (maximum, and that still is a lot). That is, it would be very pleasant if I could read your thoughts of everything about the world in a positive way, without the ever-condemning background, because that would be truly amazing! I hope I'll get the chance to, so hopefully follow that single word of advice (you don't have to, obviously, but that also influences the receiver of the message you are sending; presented neutral or positive information about the world, energies, ways of interaction and everything you can think about on that level, it would be my pleasure to let my mind digest all dat info), reply me a link to your next writing; much appreciated.
Wed 10 Sep, 2014 06:59 pm
Oh look, he learned copy & paste
If you steal words from other people, have at least the decency to name them in your post.
Wed 10 Sep, 2014 07:02 pm
holy ****
Wed 10 Sep, 2014 07:04 pm
He stole the text from other sites where they describe psychopaths.
One Eyed Mind
Wed 10 Sep, 2014 07:06 pm
Dear Alvin, thank you for reading everything as you did. I am sincerely grateful and consciously aware of the time you've taken to read my thoughts, as messy as they were.

I am well aware of the positive/negative system between subatomic particles and people. As the Universe has its "garbage disposal", so to speak, I was using the 65,000 character limit to vent my stress towards this backwards world. I have wisdom and wickedness mixed into me because I was raised by my fear, rather than my family. I learned a lot through my own nightmares, as the things I had to face and the things I saw inside me had some language I could understand on a metaphysical level. It taught me philosophy, psychology and ontology on a level I like to call "a juxtaposition between holism and nihilism". So I do not pick sides; I am not light, or dark, but both. So you can see the negative side of me, the positive side of me or a mix of both in me, that's really what makes me - "me" - there's no "I", only "Information".

You only listen to my words because you listen to yourself, friend. Remember that. My thoughts are nothing without willing receptors.

Tell me, is there any "hot spots" in my writing that made you think and feel emotions that otherwise do not normally reveal themselves in your conscious everyday wake?
0 Replies
One Eyed Mind
Wed 10 Sep, 2014 07:06 pm
By your logic, it took me 6 hours to "copy and paste" all of this. Wink
Wed 10 Sep, 2014 07:09 pm
@One Eyed Mind,
You see, you are so limited to realize if one takes the beginning of your
sentences and does a simple google search, one will come upon articles on various sites - all pertaining to psychopaths. All you did was copy and paste them here. No logic needed, Einstein, just very simple computer skills.
One Eyed Mind
Wed 10 Sep, 2014 07:11 pm
At the very end, I copied and pasted one of my finest works towards this society and the difference between psychopathy and personality.

50,000 characters were hand-typed.
Wed 10 Sep, 2014 07:13 pm
@One Eyed Mind,
Of course they were, Einstein!
One Eyed Mind
Wed 10 Sep, 2014 07:15 pm
Then why are you accusing me of copy and paste? Is it because you can never dream of writing as much as I do?
Wed 10 Sep, 2014 07:17 pm
@One Eyed Mind,
That was satire, OEM.
Go play with someone else, you're too transparent for my taste. I simply wanted to call you out on your copy & paste shop.
One Eyed Mind
Wed 10 Sep, 2014 07:19 pm
I know it was satire, so was my statement: "By your logic, it took me 6 hours to copy and paste." Evidently that went right over your head, didn't it?
0 Replies
Wed 10 Sep, 2014 07:29 pm
@One Eyed Mind,
He got thumbed down six times at this site when he pasted verbatim the same thing back in July. he was going by the name of Boston Team Party there.


Apparently, the 50,000 characters he hand typed was in reference to the various screen names he has created on various sites to paste this screed. This one goes back a year when he was using the name Subatomic God.


One Eyed Mind
Wed 10 Sep, 2014 07:34 pm
It's not the same thing. Near the end, is the part I copied and pasted my finest thoughts already written to give off an old/new feeling to my literary arts.

The 50,000 characters starts at the top of the literary piece, down towards the part where I talk about psychopathy and personality; how they affect society.

You guys are like internet cats that chase anything shiny. I know for a fact I typed 50,000 characters because I remember telling myself "wow, the thing I wrote on psychopathy was over 10,000 characters".

Go ahead and try to lead the first 3/4th's of it to sites, because it will not lead you anywhere. The only part leading you to those sites, is the very bottom part that contains my old literary piece.

I did not sit down for 6 hours to copy and paste. There's a reason why it took me 6 hours, but because you refuse to admit that someone could write that much, as you cannot, you make up wild theories instead.
Wed 10 Sep, 2014 07:39 pm
Well spotted, CJ!
One Eyed Mind
Wed 10 Sep, 2014 07:41 pm
Do not encourage them. It does not take 6 hours to copy and paste. They simply envy my passion for writing out my thoughts - please understand the psychical implications of their actions, instead of reinstating them with that comment.
0 Replies
Wed 10 Sep, 2014 07:43 pm
@One Eyed Mind,
In other words, you just put some fresh paint on the same schlock you've been pedaling door to door on the internet for at least a year.

One Eyed Mind
Wed 10 Sep, 2014 07:43 pm
95% of it is original.

5% of it is not original.

Sue me.

I did not spend 6 hours on a literary piece so envious fools can deconstruct it because they haven't built anything.
Wed 10 Sep, 2014 07:47 pm
@One Eyed Mind,
Then why did you? You want us to get to know you. Here is an opportunity.

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