how do i become an actress

Reply Thu 4 Sep, 2014 06:08 am
I want to become a actress so bad but no one is willing to help I'm in Nigeria except in lagos there are no school else where how can I become what I want to be when there is no possible means I can think of?
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Type: Question • Score: 3 • Views: 933 • Replies: 3
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Reply Thu 4 Sep, 2014 06:57 am
It's going to be rather difficult without acting classes. This is a skill like any other and not a lot of people are naturals. Even people who start off their careers without a lot of training will generally try to get some.

So, assuming there are no classes, what you CAN do is take some peripheral instruction. It usually helps to be able to sing and dance (you're more versatile that way, and therefore more likely to be hired), so see if you can take classes in both. Are there public speaking classes for people in business? That's another angle.

If you are in school otherwise (you don't say how old you are), you should also finish your education. Most actors and actresses take a while to break into the business. They wait tables, or model, or work in offices or construction or wherever they can make any money. And in the meantime, they need to live, so they need to understand their own finances, etc. Getting a good education can't possibly hurt you.
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Reply Thu 4 Sep, 2014 08:04 am
Apply to as many universities as you can with a compelling story. It is likely that at least one school will identify with your passion and match you with a scholarship. This will likely take many years and a lot of persistence. I know of at least one person that used this technique successfully. His name is Albert Mensah. He is an accomplished public speaker now living in the US. He used this same technique to get a full ride scholarship while living in a poor African country. He told the story of watching American movie and noticing that everyone was wearing shoes. In his village everyone had bare feet. He wrote many letters over several years, but, his persistence eventually paid off. Ultimately your success will depend on your persistence. That works for everything in life not just acting. Good luck, or should I say break a leg:)
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Reply Fri 5 Sep, 2014 01:51 am
I think you can learn skills from books and the Internet as well. And also make some practice in spare time. If you are good enough, talent scout will find you when you take part in some activities. Good luck!
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