hawkeye10 wrote:Jesus christ, not you too, another inhabitant of fantasyland. The way Obama is gutting the defense budget " will" is actually "would" which is actually " when Hell freezes over would"........there is no money to make the plan happen ( see the plan to sent men to mars for illustration).
I do not agree that Mr. Obama is gutting the defense budget.
The sequester is a bit of a problem, but important programs like the F-35 are being shielded from the cuts. I expect that the restructuring of our nuclear arsenal will go ahead exactly as planned.
Plus this shouldn't be all that expensive. We already have the pieces fabricated for nearly 500 of these warheads. All we need to do is disassemble existing warheads and reassemble the pieces differently. And when we reach the point where we do need to fabricate new parts, we have ample supplies of refined material to fabricate them from.
It isn't like we'll have to breed/enrich all the plutonium and uranium from scratch.