from your new photo, it appears to be a leucogranite (light colored), with the green minerals probably a uranium mineral like autunite. Wed call the rock an Alaskite probably. the thing with rocks, especially igneous an metamorphics, the basis for thwir classification is the texture and the realm of feldspar, type of mica, associate minerals and the ratio of quartz to everything else. SO, an alaskite is a guess but its probably close enough without doing more microscopic (thin section staining)
AN alsakite is one where quartz is the greatest concentration and the feldspars are greater in prcentages than feldspathoids, and the feldpsars are probably sodic or potassics (like albite, orthoclase, microcline or even amazonstone)
The greens can be the amazonite or the autunite and the micas are probably the bronzy kind.
Its a guess but alaskites often harbor some neat mineral associations like Tourmalines