MOU, your statement that women are not "terribly affected" by 9 months of pregnancy was indeed ignorant. I meant that in the literal sense, not as an aspersion on your character.
No one knows in advance whether they will have serious medical problems due to pregnancy. (I expected a natural delivery but had to have C-sections.) Perhaps the women of your acquaintance all had easy pregnancies, but more likely they simply chose not to discuss intimate problems with you.
MyOwnUsername wrote:father can also refuse to take care of baby once born if he doesn't want to be parent then everything is fine.
You cannot refuse to provide for your baby after it is born and you find that screaming babies with dirty diapers are not much fun to take care of. You need to make your intentions known as soon as the pregnancy is discovered so that the woman can factor that into her decision (and it is HER decision) since early abortions do not pose the ethical and medical problems that later ones do. If the father does not want the baby but she does not want to have an abortion, she needs time to find a support system or arrange for adoption.