And your are such a fence sitter you have a permanant imprint on your butt that says, "AMERICAN FENCE COMPANY INC."
Forgetting for a second that you do not know how to spell cannot prove that I have a permanent imprint on my ass that says, "AMERICAN FENCE COMPANY INC."
ya know frunk i may not pay close attenytion to muy spelling typos but you should talk...your composition blows man
Touche'! You got me on that one, John. Good catch...and you are correct.
I meant to write "Only a fool would pretend to know that." It was an unforced error. Missing something like that shows carelessness...and shows that I did not care enough about what I was writing to give it the attention it deserved.
The fact that you picked it up shows that you can edit. Why not pay closer attention to your own essays and that you show them the respect you want others to have for them.
Missing something like that shows carelessness...and shows that I did not care enough about what I was writing to give it the attention it deserved.
The fact that you picked it up shows that you can edit. Why not pay closer attention to your own essays and that you show them the respect you want others to have for them.
Asked and answered frank.
0 Replies
Mon 20 Apr, 2015 05:49 pm
Woah i really waited more from that tittle.
And i have maaby points against your opinion but i just dont want to fight with haters. Maybe you could get some information before posting your opinion.
0 Replies
Mon 20 Apr, 2015 05:54 pm
And how many people is taking old testament literately?
Forbitten tree is just meaning that human wanted knowledge even thought God had forbitten it from them.
0 Replies
Mon 20 Apr, 2015 05:56 pm
And generaly beliefs and religions have got our civilization only forwards until they clashed and they made hatered.
you have to reliase that god allows evil he doesnt actually cause it. the devil causes it. god lets the devil hang around to let people see a need for him through the devils affliction. god is around everything that has been discovered by mankind over years was already put in the bible. if men was alright without god then we wouldnt have so many wars and problem. by not wanting god we really do need him. perfection and security is want comes to us when we follow gods word.