Mon 30 Dec, 2002 05:31 pm
I have black cats so, the gray hairs show up pretty well, and them turning 5 and 6, well Im thinking a few isnt unusual...however...I noticed a patch of grays on the back of one..and realized, just a short time ago she had an injury in the same place.
Is this normal? Anyone experience or know of this happening?
I dont think I should be overly concerned but, when I came upon that realization it just made me think perhaps I should think on it more.
For what it's worth, Barney regenerated hide and hair over a two inch lenght of leg and it all came back like the original black.
This is a non-answer, of course, but it is my only recent experience with feline injuries.
You see, thats what I would think...that if there was colored hair there afore that, it would be colored hair now....
wasnt a serious injury either, which is why it took me a bit to put it together
Horses with injuries will sometimes have their hair come back white. For example, a horse that has a tight fitting saddle will frequently have white spots on its back where it has rubbed a saddle sore. Yet when my horse's ear had a growth removed, everything came back pure black.
Our cat is a tabby, so it would be impossible to tell! He's all shades of brown plus gray and tan and white.
I have often had cats grow white hair back over a injury. Don't worry!
I thought this was a thread about the little sods giving US grey hairs!
well..I could attribute a few of my own folicles to the little beasties but, Im sure it doesnt work the other way round...Im too good of a slave!
Good to hear that others have had animals have this, now I can rest a bit easier...thanks folks
Honestly, Quinn, I prefer your present avatar over all the previous.
Why thank you....I thought the bondage bear a bit too much...and frankly...I think it gave the wrong impression

imagine that
However, im now worried that you cant see this well enough....a squishy veggie thingy???????????
I like your mouse as well
Interesting question and answers. With all the cats I've had, this has never happened.
When I look at you avatar I see a pizza, lol.
mmmmm, pizza....
About the hair..... I don't think it's unusual, but I don't know why I think that it isn't....
Quinn, I see some sort of cellular form with a lot of antigens coating the cell wall, stained with particularly colorful dyes..
I too thought the gray hairs were on the humans..
Yeah, maybe a funky pizza, lol
When I get hungry, I see Pizzas and Cheesburgers everywhere. In that avatar, a hungry bear has left footprints on my pizza.
Roger is too polite to mention that he is a RAT!!!!!!!!
Quinn, what colours are your avatar? (There seems to be no way of making the number correct in that sentence!)
My monitor is tres weird, and I do not see colours properly.
a bear tromped across my pizza...okay..thats hysterical actually...I was thinking of making it b/w because I had actually made it color to be colorful and all <dlowan..its all kinds of colors actually> but, now Im just leaving it alone I think....its fine, its funny now actually
oh yes, and the cat know, I didnt realize that they would have gray hair so early on, but then again being all probably just makes it easier to see.
k..I didnt think it unusual either until I put it together with the injury, thats all really...and not that its unusual either..just a bit strange I think.
cats ARE strange, really, when you come down to it...which I have.....