Some people think that self replicators will be built on the Nano Scale. This gave rise to the
Grey Goo Scenario.
Grey goo has several cousins, differentiated by their colors and raisons d'ĂȘtre. Most of these are not as commonly referred to as grey goo, however, and the definitions are informal:
* Red Goo is goo unleashed intentionally by terrorists, a doomsday weapon, or a private individual who wishes to commit suicide with a bang.
* Khaki Goo is goo intended by the military to wipe out somebody else's continent, planet, etc.
* Golden Goo is the backfiring of a get-rich-quick scheme to assemble gold or other economically valuable substance. The details are left to the imagination.
* Blue Goo is goo deliberately released in order to stop some other type of grey goo. It might well be the only solution to such a disaster, and would hopefully be better controlled than the original goo.
* Pink Goo is humanity. It replicates relatively slowly, but will nevertheless fill any amount of space given enough time. Some people think that allowing the entire Galaxy to get filled with Pink Goo would be the ultimate crime, to be stopped at any cost.
* Green Goo is goo deliberately released, for example by ecoterrorists, in order to stop the spread of Pink Goo, either by sterilization or simply by digesting the pink goo. Some form of this, along with an antidote available to the selected few, has been suggested as a strategy for achieving zero population growth.