I haven't read White Noise yet. Sounds interesting. Will try to borrow it from a Delillo fanatic I know.
Hello Babs!
Yep, families come in all shapes & sizes, alright!
They can even include groups of people who exist in very close connection with each other but aren't 'blood" family. I'm particularly interested in how people in these intimate circumstances behave toward each other & why ... The black sheep, those struggling to survive destructive bonds, those who choose to distance themselves, the power struggles, sibling bonds & rivalry ... Also observations of families in different cultures.
Interesting that Buddenbrooks & the Corrections keep popping up in book forums here & on Abuzz. What did you like most about them?
Point noted re the Durrells ... I realized the mistake soon after posting here. (I'm a bit vague at the moment!

) What did you think of Lawrence in My Family ...? I found him hilariously stuffy & pompous ... Interesting how much you can see of what sort of adults they were to become from that book. Was it Lawrence who described Margot's acne as "scarlet porridge"?