Tue 11 May, 2004 05:47 am
So I see that 17+ American miltary held and tortured in Iraq during the first Gulf Wr were awarded some 900 million dollars to be paid from seized Iraq assets and now bush inc. has decided they need that money to rebuild Iraq and so they are reneging on paying our own torured and abused American soldiers who went to war, killed people, that should excite you war lusters here, and were held and badly treated contrary to Geneva convention rules.
There's some of my outrage for my own people and fellow citizens I keep hearing I don't have.....too bad our President and his sack of **** administration doesn't share it outside of soundbytes and photo ops.
17 servicemen and women were going to get $900 million for their abuse? That works out to a cool $52.3 million each. Where can I sign up for this deal?
If they taxed it they would get most of it back anyways.