Sun 18 May, 2014 02:52 am
Okay, so I sent a message to someone who recently accepted my friend request.
I sent the message on my Facebook mobile app. However, after I sent the message nothing was showing in my Facebook inbox. I suppose that's because I haven't had a reply just yet, but I could have sworn all new conversations initiated show at the top of my inbox.
In the past I have had a message from a mate go to my 'other' folder, I didn't read it until 6 months later, he was on my friends list at the time... Why?
I suppose I am wondering, is it only showing in my other folder because it hasn't been read yet, is it a mobile glitch, or is it to do with hers/or my own message settings.
I've tried moving it to inbox, now I can see it, but will she see it or have to search other messages?
Would be a pretty lame reason not to get a date with a chick, right?
Any info would be appreciated
I believe the friending has to be reciprocal when the message is sent for it to go anywhere but the '
other' folder.