steiss, my use of the word "inconvenience" was sarcastic understatement ... in general, the practice of "Playing Nice" has the result of increasing own-force casualties, a sad-but-true fact of life. Indeed there are situations in which massed artillery or airstrike would serve tactical advantage, yet the strategic consideration of political correctness outweighs the direct expense to one's own forces incurred by painstaking avoidance of collateral damage. As with most things, it boils down to cost/benefit ratio. Our sensibilities place great emphasis on moral and ethical superiority, therefore, we feel the need of such things as rules. For others, the only rule is win or die. At least we pay lip service to caring how we win, and bear our self-imposed cost willingly. That's worth something, I guess. Our enemies today are more fortunate by far than have been the enemies of any power in the past. It is fully and readily accessible within our capabilities to level and sterilize as large an area as we might wish at absolutely no combat risk to our own forces; it is to our credit we do not do so. Those who complain the US uses "Excessive Force" and conducts operations in barbaric manner and/or with disregard for civilian casualties have no concept of either. We are not Romans, and for that, our enemies should be exceedingly grateful. However, I sincerely doubt many will see the distinction, or appreciate their fortune in such regard. Rather, those who would oppose us take our concern for such niceties as a central weakness of our society. I sincerely hope the misapprehension is theirs.
And PDiddie, old buddy, I gotta say your equating the Prison Abuse incidents as "Torture" cheapens the meaning of the word "Torture". Yes, the idiocy was and is inexcuseable ... but to deem it torture is, to borrow your term, a Grand-Canyon-Sized stretch. Then again, given the likes of Ted Kennedy, Nancy Pelosi, and Shirley Jackson-Lee, I realize those on The Left are unlikely to recognize the difference between embarrassing a few individuals, in contravention of law and subject to prosecutorial sanction, and maiming or killing thousands as state-sponsored institution and policy ... its the thought that counts, right?