Looking for help identifying a snake. Snake people, please give some ideas if you can.
First of all yes, this guy was seen right here in Massachusetts, and just this past Saturday.
I know all about the whole-we dont have cottonmouths/water moccasins everyone says and is really crazy about pointing out- HOWEVER can I just say that we did have them in CT and I actually found pictures of them, and YEP...this is them that I saw when I was a kid..could probably even take someone into the woods and show them the cave at the foot of the falls they liked to live in all summer and probably have offspring still there:
Now, onto present snake problem.
Whilst fishing by a nice rural type area large body of water..along comes this snake. And Im really having a hard time identifying it. Im going with the whole..okay..its not a water mocc...so, someone tell me what it was please..I cant find another snake like it in the lists.
It was like a black racer-long lean, all black up and down (this is one reason I'm saying okay..maybe its wasnt a mocc), underlying pattern was diamond back--but, that was also black or really dark charcoal/silvery. He was smooth with small scales, head was like a racer-lean with round snout, held up as he made his way along the waters edge. About 18" long. On the waters edge but, also into the water for a while.
I can find black snakes, but, they are banded or lighter underneath, cant find diamond pattern in black, cant find anything close.
(just so I can sleep and feel good with the great knowledge I will aquire)
psstt..was fishing with fishin so-he can back me up or help me out here with details, Im sure