All the theory on the Orion was done over a few decades and many scientists think it's feasible for the last couple of decades and probably would've been attempted if the nuclear test ban treaty wasn't signed.
The next step in testing would've been to build one but that'd be illegal so we'll probably never know if they were right on whether or not we can build one.
As soon as we can figure out wtf gravity is we'll be a step closer to interstellar travel. Warp drive anyone. Everyone I know always laughs when I say that but there are many scientists working on warp drive now. They're just stuck at trying to work out what gravity is so they can then try and work out how to produce it in a machine.
And yep, it's better to be the discoverer of another civilisation and go to them first rather than the other way around as the Europeans proved over the last few hundred years. Discovered people get fucked in the arse I'm sorry to admit.
One theory as to why we've never encountered a spacefaring race is that you get wiped out before you can do much. One thoery on this is gamma ray bursts. Every 10 000 years in this galaxy (and we see them all the time in other galaxies) there is a huge gamma ray burst. They release the same amount of energy as you would get if you converted the entire mass of the sun into energy in a fraction of a second. This is enough energy that if a gamma ray burst went off a few hundred light years away it would kill all of us here.
Basically, if a civ can't get off their butts and colonise space fast then one's gonna go off in their neighbourhood one day and then they're never gonna get the chance.