Mon 3 May, 2004 06:13 pm
in 1948 my mother, my older brother and I moved from a small southern colrado farm town to Saudi Arabia. My mother had virtually no knowledge of Jews of Muslims or any formal knowledge of Christianity having only attendented a small non-demonational church that essentialy only spoke of "do unto other." For those familiar with history, this was a pivotal point in history for Israel/Palestine but my mom did not know that , not knowing anything about Jews or Muslims but listening to the BBC about the forced evacutaion of Muslim families, started a food/clothing drive for families (mostly arabs) forced to start lives in refugee camps, she (and I by proxy) received much adoration from our new found arab friends. There was no agenda on my moms part of any religious nature, there was only a humatarian thought of people in need. I learned only a few things, mostly all religions, are hateful in nature and disrepectful of kindness. I continue to this day distainful of religion to a serious degree. When my mother returned to the US in the late '50s she was told she was not welcome in the "church" because she had turned heathen. all religions are rooted in hate of others, in this I can't abide.
I wish all the churches were just the Do Unto Others variety.
More like Jesus, less like The Christ.
If you sincerely care about other people and help them, you are doing God's will and accordingly love God, either you realise it or not. Love towards the needy is love towards God. Of this I'm as absolutely and totally certain.
It is true that organised religions have become very corrupted over the years, and that is most unfortunate. Remember that true religion is ultimately about personal faith and living accordingly, though. One should not let one's disbelief in churches and organised religion turn one away from spiritual values and truths.
Dys under what kind of group did you and your family go to Saudi Arabia?