wmwcjr wrote:I was referring to the people whose "progressive" politics you don't like.
Progressing toward
wmwcjr wrote:
The two animated smilies represent a sadomasochistic sexual relationship.
(Notice the smilie being spanked is
smiling instead of crying.) Or maybe I just have a twisted imagination. Anyway, I was using the pair of smilies as a tool of satire to poke fun at the thumbers-down, saying that I actually enjoyed being thumbed down (analogous to the spanked smilie) instead of being sad about it. (Well, actually, I was never "sad" about it; I was only irritated. But now I don't care.) Then I went on to say that the "progressives" were offended because they viewed me as making fun of sadomasochism. But, actually, it was not intended to be taken seriously. I was just being silly because the exchanges had taken on the nature of a junior-high cafeteria food fight. It was intended to be good "clean" fun, but it
was kinda dumb.

These threads reflect the ideological war
between liberty and authoritarianism.
The American Revolution was an instrument of liberty.
The US Constitution is an instrument of liberty, by curtailing jurisdiction.
Liberalism is a
distortion of that liberty, a curtailment thereof.
We must expect that partisans of both sides will manifest their desires
both as to substantive philosophy and on an
ad hominem basis.
Accordingly, I 'm
not surprized when I get thumed down; not a problem.