Fri 7 Feb, 2014 11:28 am
Suppose i had the hots for a doddering, middle-aged Limey who owns his own Bobcat. How should i proceed?
First, I would place a lifelike statue of a sleep walking man in his unnerwears in the snow nearby. When the construction worker approaches to offer the statue a beer, I tackle his legs and hold him down, waving a bacon loaded cheeseburger in his face, until the man relaxes and is subdued enough to get off of him. Of course, in this scenario, I am a woman, although I am all man, grunt, grunt, and have no interest in stalking construction workers. He follows like a puppy and we sit on a girder to watch the moon rise over Soho.
Oh. On line. Sorry, I misread the title.
Damn, EB . . . you're resourceful!
Avoid the bobcat at all costs. Even the mechanical ones can hurt.
You folks lucked out this time. Little Miss Pissy pants must have missed it. Damn, it's always so much fun when she shows up and you know the rest.