Dear Farmerman, I just read a book called Proff of Heaven, by a neurosurgeon Dr. Eben Alexander. He was in a coma for 7 days, had minimal brain activity and was expected to die. Miraculously he lived to talk about his out of body experience while he was unconscious. He determined that the other space, or that place of conconsciousness you are refering to is like an ectoplasm that is not visible to our everyday eye, but is present in and around us at every given moment. He calls it the 4th dimension. We live in a 3rd dimensional world and the 4th dimension is not readily visible to our 3rd demensional consciousness and eye sight. He was a very scientific guy operating on patients and folowed the scientific factual way of living and patient care. But his experience has taught him diferently. Let's just say, has taught him more. I highly recommend reading this book. It's easy and kind of amazing.
I often think about spiritual consciousness, the energy of it, and try to work with it. Every spiritualist I have ever seen ALL say the same thing to me, that I have intense spiritual energy, the ability to manifest and on and on. . . I like to believe that, and actually see that what they say about me is true. But I often don't feel it. I often doubt myself, or get distracted by someones elses issues that absorb me in directions that don't necessarily belong to me. (Iguess there is a reason for that). So my goal is to FEEL it so that my belief is grounded with a sense of personal connection to it. I think that is the place that all the guru's talk about with finding peace, contentment, that all is well in the midst of our chaotic world and everyday experiences.
Your post is nice. I am grateful to respond to it, because it, in doing so actually helps me get focused on what I want for myself in this area. Best of wishes to you and your quest.