Quote: One cannot lie about someone else's intentions; other folks intentions are a guess. JLNobdy is not lying about your intentions, he is making a guess.
Quote:False. An acceptable definition of the verb to lie is to convey falsehood.
Of course. But you are wrong
You cannot know the intentions of someone else.
JlNobody says, "Your method of breaking up our posts into portions to be addressed out of context is clearly a debate strategy"
it is a guess, as he cannot "know" what your intentions actually are or were. He is not purposely spewing a falsehood.
Quote: Taking your attitude in regards to your above "you are lying yet again and this time about my intentions."
.I would say that that is an utter lie.
Quote:Perhaps you would, but you would say a lot of things..
No. YOU would and do. You call a guess a lie.
I would never say this statement of yours: ""you are lying yet again and this time about my intentions." Is a lie. I have in fact never used that word on this site, except, in this case, as an example.
You say, "but you would say a lot of things"
Bull. You don't know me. You are saying that for effect. But it's just another insult.
Quote: You have a chip on your shoulders Craven.
Quote:No, I do not.

Quote: I try to be as clear as possible and I have only so much control over other peoples understanding, as you and everybody else does.
Quote:You are deliberately insisting on calling disagreement lacking understanding.
Someimtes I do. Sometimes I am correct, sometimes it is a lack of understanding, on their part, on my part. In fact a lack of understanding is probably the
main reason for disputes.
Frankly I do not understand the whole of the nondual position and neither do you,
fresco, or
JLNobody. We learn from each other.
You and
joefronmchicago probably understand the least, if understanding is enhanced by experience; meditation, contemplation etc., I could understand the color red without having experienced it, but once experienced, the understanding changes completely. As with having a nondual experience.
Besides you do the same so you are being hypocritical.
Quote: If you are calling my position sheer idiotic which it appears you are, then you are a blatant hypocrite for admonishing JLNobody for name calling etc.
What's this: "I understand you perfectly. That I think your positions are almost always sheer idiocy is why you like to label it as misunderstanding."
What kind of person has a position that is "sheer idiocy"?
The differences are miner. YOU are name calling. Period.
Quote:JL calls people idiots while I call arguments and concepts idiotic. I think JL is a smart guy, I do not think he is idiotic. I think his arguments herein have been idiotic.
I do not know if that is correct. I cannot recall
JLNobody calling someone an idiot.
Quote:There is a difference, even if you have not appreciated it.
I can see it. But it's all ad hominem.
Quote: This is understandable, because it is likely more compelling for you to believe that others simply don't understand you as opposed to understanding you perfectly and thinking your position is absurd.
Quote:No, twyvel it is not false.
Quote:Quote:twyvel, quite frankly I think you do unto yourself grave insult with that phrase even though it might have the opposite feeling to you (recognition of one's own flawed perspective perhaps).
Quote: But yes, I know your position well.
That's one of the problems
Craven. You keep saying that but give no demonstration to that effect, even after being asked repeatedly to do so.
Quote: Even fresco and JL do a far better job, I have to give them that.
Quote:Well I'm glad your giving them something, as your directness in manner is far more offensive then is warranted if offensiveness is ever warranted.
Quote:This is lame twyvel. You three have no qualm with being insulting but complain about it most vociferously.
You are the most insulting person on this thread
Craven. You don't have a pot to piss in.
You, next to
Frank, right side by side, are the most offensive person (in terms of word use) I have come across on this site.
Quote:Quote:I don't think the problem is the words in which you couch your position. I think their positions themselves are less absurd.