Jews and Christians have a history of blaming women for things and comparing it to Eve. Imagine, punishing a woman for her instinct towards culinary skill!
Don't think about pink elephants ... Don't pick the apple.
Did you know that until fairly recently, many medical texts listed females as having one more rib than males? (Yes, they have the same number of ribs.)
Related advice I found on the internet from a comedian I cannot remember:
...Speaking of ribs (I was). Guys, the next time your wife bests you in an argument, look at her evenly & calmly say "Ya know... Sometimes I think I'd rather have my rib back."
That would be fine, Portal Star, as long as she is your first wife.
JL, I wasn't remarking on any form of dualism. Merely on the practical matter that if a man wanted a warm safe place to sleep it was necessary first to remove the serpents from that potential abode. A tribe or family was not likely to co-exist comfortably with a cave full of snakes.
Over time this well founded fact became enshrined in philosophic literature and "herpetophobia" became symbolic with the Abrahamic religions. Actually rather a major tenet of them. The view of snakes as Satan, the conflict of good and evil, and the loss of innocence (as knowledge) and the idea of "sin" can be easily traced back (and blamed on, if any is forthcoming ) the poor serpent. (or Satan)
I often find the Bible a remarking on the human condition at the time.
Louis L'amour still finds it profitable to include a den of snakes in many of his "western" novels.
I take your point, Akamechsmith. We even refer to our worse acts as "cold blooded." But do notice that this applies only to Western relilgious thought. Coluber has named this thread GOD is a Snake. His orientation is Eastern and mystical rather than Western and Abrahamic.
Probably but the Garden came up in the conversation and I like good engineering. KISS, (Keep It Simple Stupid) and Occams Razor are often good mechanical solutions to questions.