ronaldmexico wrote:
I'm trying to contact a couple old highschool, early college friends and acquaintances. People whom I never made note of their email address, or it's likely not current.
I no longer use facebook and don't wish to create a new account. Before I deleted, I downloaded a list of the contacts so I have their
[email protected].
I understand most emails are sent to the 'other' folder. Is that correct? However, when I use an email address that would have been associated and confirmed to a 2006 facebook account, it seems to go to the main inbox.
Odd, but I'd rather use my old email as it seems to go straight the recipients main inbox. Can I send someone a test email to confirm out of curiosity?
How do I use my @facebook.com email address?
Your email address on Facebook is the same as your username or your public user ID. This is how people can:
Send you email —
[email protected]
Get to your Timeline — facebook.com/username
You're given a @facebook.com email address when you sign up, but you have the option to change it once. To customize your email or web address on Facebook, choose a new username. If you choose a new username, your new Facebook email address will be added to your Contact Info in the About section of your Timeline.
Remember: You can always edit who can see your contact info.
With your @facebook.com email address, people can email you using any traditional email system (ex: Hotmail, Yahoo! or Gmail), and the emails will be delivered to your Facebook Messages. When you send messages to external email addresses, your emails will be formatted to look like Facebook messages, including your name, your profile picture and your message. Note that your email will appear as
[email protected] when you send messages to external email addresses.