Fri 16 Apr, 2004 12:34 pm
last thursday, at noon, on the capitol steps in Denver 3,000 fundamentalist-christian home-schooling adherents heard Dave Schulthels testify "We are building an army, creating warriors to transform America. Attention, secularists, resistence is futile"
and then for entertainment hundreds of home-schooled children were taken on a field trip to the Denver Museum of Nature and Science where adults of the group dressed in white coats stopped the children in front of a glass-enclosed Paleontology Laboratory and explained "the men and women seen laboring with tiny brushes and picks were doing the devil's work, by constructing fake fossils that they would then bury and direct scientists to falsely discover in order to perpetuate the myth of evolution"
Religion will shrivel if it doesn't start to embrace, or- at least- bear with science. But some people will always believe.
I bet, Dys, that if we A2Kers wrote a bible based on our own day-to-day lives, and put it into the ground with a piece of silver, someone would dig it up, and some people would believe...
I once gave someone my "business card" which says in bold letters across the top
they then asked me if I was a communist...
So what did you say?
You really do have quite a group up there in the hills, Dys. Makes me proud to be in Okladamnhoma. They're much quieter here.
Dave Schultheis bears a nice German name.
(I'm trying here to post only the possive .)
Why do I remember the slogan "Colorado The Hate State" when I google Schulheis' name in the news?
because we are the home of "FOCUS ON THE FAMILY" headed by Rev Dodson an equal opportunity hater (he hates almost everyone equally) tithe and you shall be made free, we are also home to the Congresswomen that proposed the Constitutional Amendment banning gay marriage.
We'll trade you one Oral Roberts University and a Robert Tilton call center.
Every religion has it's fanatics.
Dys, do they have any room out there for MY WHOLE RELIGIOUS WACKO FAMILY?
That is disheartening, to say the least, but there are falsehoods in a lot of textbooks all over the world. Its truly sad.
Wasn't Pat Schroeder from there?