Sat 14 Sep, 2002 02:27 pm
well, i'd love to welcome new members, but i think i'm the new member! or is it Phoenix? in which case, WELCOME Phoenix!
We're all new!
Welcome everyone!
Hi! Glad that I am
here. It is going to take me a bit of time, but I think that I can master this. Good work Craven! But how come when I click
on an emoticon, like this

I don't get the picture?
E Beth- How did you
get that little picture on the side of your message?
Phoenix32890 wrote:E Beth- How did you get that little picture on the side of your
Go to the profile link at the top of the page an at the bottom of the edit profile page
you can choose an avatar.
Later I'll add a feature to upload pictures of yourself.
Checking out what
Craven's been working on and bugging me about. I don't have much time to participate but it looks good.
Phoenix32890 wrote:Hi! Glad that I am here. It is going to take me a bit of time, but I
think that I can master this. Good work Craven! But how come when I click on an emoticon, like this

I don't get the
The basic problem with that is that the post editor is not WYSIWYG (what
you see is what you get). I want to make it so eventually but that's a long way off and involves some serious code
I'll soon fix some bugs involving emoticons.
Make the animated ones keep moving after
you have clicked on one.
Make the image ALT text say what the emoticon represents.
I am new! Welcome
me! And welcome to all the people above frok me.
Er.... I gues sthat is about all, really - sheepish
:> )
He he Deb, I bet
you'll love the fact that you can edit your own posts when you see those glaring typos (hey, you pick on mine)! Consider
this a pounce!
I have no idea where
I am, who you people are, or how I got here in the first place ;-)
Heck, Ill try it but dont think Im makin it a habit
<yeah right>
Hello BTW
dlowan- WELCOME

I think that this site is GREAT. it has SO much potential- thanks to the hard work of our esteemed leader, Craven
Haven't you heard? You are in the Twilight zone of beta testing! In a few days we'll
move and things should be a bit clearer. ;-)
I don't never wanna be no leader! Waaaaaa! I just wanna
develop. Can I pass the buck and call jespah our esteemed leader?
And I can't say it enough, this site is built on
open source code (and even graphics!) that I gathered and implemented, this is really the work of at least a few hundred
people. I'll even use a host that runs an open source database and coding language (opensource baby!).
The whole
theme of this site is based on free exchange of information. I would never have been able to do this site without the
opensource code that others were nice enough to make. I'll credit them ASAP (until I'm done coding I don't know all the
people I'll need to credit but stay tuned).
Gotta Love beta much fun!
Somethings wrong with my clock...Ill figure it out though, thats half the fun of it
And thanks to jes for the invite as well
Don't know what the
difference is, but during the day today (a weekday, workweek day) this forum was slow as Grandma's Molasses. Now, since
about 6 pm Central, it is lickety-split fast!
Oh yes, I like using the quick reply feature best because it really is
fast fast fast! I like it fast fast fast, lol! (oooooooh, you CAN choose to take that in any way you wish....
Um, if I am later on 'embarrassed', I can still edit out that comment?
Enquiring Minds Wanna Know,
You can always edit
your comments (not that you need to, you got it right).
The only caveat I have is that if this is abused (like by
making people look like fools by completely changing the post) a time limit might be established for editing. I don't think
it's too likley we will need it though (I'm actually very very opposed to the idea of that limit).
As to the speed
of the forum it's entirely due to the speed of the server.
When we make the move out of beta testing this will be on
a lightning fast server and the speed will only change if millions use the site at once. The errors you see on this site and
the crawling speed are just host issues.
When we move it will be much faster. I'll also make a low graphics version
of the forums for those who need it to load even faster.
quinn1 wrote:Gotta Love beta much fun!
Somethings wrong with my
clock...Ill figure it out though, thats half the fun of it all.
And thanks to jes for the invite as
By tomorrow the time issues should make more sense. I'll post an announcement after I tweak
the code. It's high on my priorities list (right after beer and vodka!)
Ya know dear boy
(Craven) heh heh - I HAVE heard several references now to beer at the same time vodka is in your close personal proximity
and even more intimate than "proximity"...
So, Enquiring Minds want to know the proper way to indulge in the two
at one sitting. Surely, not 'mixed'! And, is there nothing IN the vodka, or should I say isn't the vodka IN something?
I learned long ago that I have only one cardinal rule about liquor: I cannot have three 'categories' of an
alcoholic beverage in one day. Two maybe: three is asking for a hangover or worse...
So, as one who long long ago
and in a faraway place was able to consume two quart bottles of Pagan Pink Ripple, enjoy this fleeting experience and let
another drive you home.
To those whom i have
not welcomed yet and even for those who i have, WELCOME. I'm Pharon. hope you find it as easy and usefull as