This woman has been fucked up in the head since a very small child, throughout her childhood years. Her mental situation only becoming worse. She did things as a child she can't take back. However. The things she did were in result of she being molested.
No one seems to understand this. She is a young adult now finally trying to find herself. She is having one hell of a difficult time doing so because there are certain people who have hated her since she was a child doing their best to make sure all are blinded unable to understand. From what I gathered from reading her posts.
Seems to me some people had stepped into her life only making her mental situation worse. They not understanding what they were doing on top of being immature they were by feeling she was not good enough to communicate with. All they had to do. Communicate. She is where she is now. It's too late.
People do change/grow up/become mature individuals. It is not her fault someone felt they should molest her as a child throughout her childhood years.
How can a family, any family member be aware of the fact and do nothing. This is me assuming they were aware. Doesn't matter. This woman is fucked up in the head and can never recover.