In order for anyone to give you a solid idea of value, you would need to state the condition of the bill.
Free advice dep't:
Off the top of my head, ordinarily I'd make a semi-educated guess and tell you unless it's in mint condition (not circulated), it's not worth more than the face value of $100.
FWIW, however, on E-bay people with similar but not exactly the same are asking between $200-$500 for more rare versions of bills than yours. You should speak directly to a collector..or coin and bill shop.
Note This E-bay ad:
Furthermore, after Googling your info using the keyword phrases, value of Benjamin franklin $100 Bill, 1950 D series"", I got the following info:
" important to understand that there are different 1950 one hundred dollar bills that accumulate different prices in terms of value, but the majority of them are worth between $140 and $175"