contrex wrote:Those Americans who find "went missing" an annoyance (and they have every right to feel that way about linguistic instrusions and novelties, if they want to) will be getting a taste of how many Brits feel when they hear people asking "can I get..." in a shop or café,
or hear that frequently occurring things happen "oftentimes",
or hear that something that was free was "for free".
I 've lived my entire life in America, mostly in New York with some time
in Arizona; very briefly in Florida. I take your word for what u say,
but I (for one) have never said ofentimes. I 've said: "ofen".
I 've said it
both ways, qua "for free" or more ofen
simply: "that 's free." "Free of charge" is also common here.
contrex wrote:Just saying.
Will u reveal what idea
u wish to express by that phrase ?