Thu 14 Nov, 2013 03:56 pm
Creation scientists use 4 basic arguments in an attempt to discredit evolution which are perfection of design implies creation, evolution violating the 2nd law of thermodynamics, lack of transitional forms in the fossil record implies many creation events, and random assembly of complex structure would be impossible. How would a creation scientist critique each one of the 4? In your opinion.
The homework assignment is for you to do, not us.
Basing their arguments on faith, not science.
One of the biggest assumptions here is using the junk term "
creation scientist". These people aren't scientists; they do not utilize scientific method, and the term is a disingenuous one, intended to add an air of scholarship, believability and respectability, where there should be none.
That's why I don't think this is homework (unless the kids home schooled)
contrex wrote:
The homework assignment is for you to do, not us.
This ironically is part of the evolution of cheating.
With all due respect, I'm never going to look into this evolution bs at all after I graduate. There is no use. This is not one of my prerequisites, therefore I'm just trying to get by. And by the way, this isn't homework as I've already stated. Thank you for nothing, but thank you. Goodbye.
Great answer. I'll be sure to add that to my notes. Thank you so much Charles Darwin. Thank you again.
Before you leave us. You will write, 5o times.