Sorry, but both fifo and offic are abbreviations, and we're looking for whole words.
Please continue from OFF.
mac11 wrote:Sorry, but both fifo and offic are abbreviations, and we're looking for whole words.
Please continue from OFF.
The rules don't explicitly preclude abbreviations.
Mac11 had told me that for "fifo"
One entry found for FIFO.
Main Entry: FIFO
Function: abbreviation
first in, first out
1. INSERT a new letter into the previous word, in any position, to form a new word.
2. or INSERT a new letter into the previous word, and REARRANGE all the letters to form a new word.
3. The purpose of each Game is to create the LONGEST word possible.
One entry found for abbreviation.
Main Entry: ab·bre·vi·a·tion
Pronunciation: &-"brE-vE-'A-sh&n
Function: noun
1 : the act or result of abbreviating : ABRIDGMENT
2 : a shortened form of a written word or phrase used in place of the whole <amt is an abbreviation for amount>
an abbreviation appears not to be a word as required by the rules, however Mac11 can make the decision and if nessesary ammend the rules.
This is a fun game and thanks go to Mac11 for keeping in going.
There are at least three words that can follow PORTABLES.
we added the same letter, differant words.