why cant i think of any of them
Add a C, D, F, N, S, T, or Y to ESPALIERS to get the next word. (C and Y are the most obscure, the others aren't so bad.)
Other words that could have followed espaliers are replicases, pearlsides, self-praise, pearliness, praiseless, and erysipelas.
There are at least three words that can follow PSALTERIES. Add an H, O, or S.
Other words that could have followed psalteries were asterolepis and peristalses.
There is at least one word that can follow SPHALERITES.
Jtf, when you're ready to run the game, I'll tell you all my secrets. :wink: (well, some of them anyway)
Add a B to SPHALERITES to get the next word.
I haven't posted here in a while!!

a small word at last

i just cant think when the word gets longer than 7 letters must be a mental block, i guess there are some drawbacks to being a scientist..)
(oh and hi smog, glad you got in touch with our lost brothers and sisters..)
adding b
garb or brag or grab
sabering or bearings - both add an "i."
Sorry about that -- I must have been hallucinating. Same letters, but rearranged:
Not a problem...
There is at least one word that can follow BREASTING. (Add an H.)