Mac and Team: how's it going? Last time I was here there were 710 posts on this thread - now there's over 940! You've been busy.
Any hiccups yet? Have the residents been well behaved?
I've just noticed that my POSTS have dropped from 1,000 (Veteran Member status) down to 955 from the last time I was here! Where did the other 45/46 posts go to?
Was there a thread deleted recently or something?
I noticed that most of the posts in the Testing Forum have been deleted. Other than that, I'm not sure...
(Nice post there, BillW!)
Anyhow, I must push on. Enjoy the rest of your games.
The hand that feeds ya, yuke, yuke, yuke (sorry, not in M-W)
Bonney - (mais oui mon ami)